ELTCOIN β€” the Ethereum Limited Total Coin πŸš€πŸŒ–

Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2017

Dear ELTCOIN Community,

Today we made a bold decision to go beyond what has been achieved by all Ethereum ERC-20 tokens to date. Rather than repeat the e-coin failures of eBTC, eLTC, and eLTC2, we decided to carve our own path as ELTCOIN.

For new readers, ELTCOIN is built by a strong team of passionate developers who deeply care about the success of an ERC-20 token with a limited supply.

We were the first to highlight and understand the core failures that were consistent in e-coin contracts highlighted in our previous post, which is why we placed fairness and transparency at the core of ELTCOIN.

Here is what we’ve been working on:

  1. ELTCOIN β€” new ticker, which stands for Ethereum Limited Total Coin.
  2. INCREASED TOTAL COINS β€” we wanted to keep things simple for our Community and have raised the limited supply of total coins to 100M.
  3. FAIRNESS β€” we noticed on our first AIRDROP that the whitelist was oversubscribed with duplicate addresses and decided to redistribute our tokens through a second AIRDROP that corrects this problem.
  4. FASTER β€” we discovered early on that the distribution of our AIRDROP was not propagating through the system quickly enough. Our upgrade improves on the update and delivers ELTCOIN 85% faster.
ELTCOIN has big ambitions. Join us on our mission to the moon πŸš€.

Keep up to date:
Telegram: https://t.me/ELTCOIN
Twitter: β€ͺ@officialELTCOIN
Roadmap: https://trello.com/b/UEBKgcgK



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