Javascript Console API?

Easy ways to Learn Basic to Advance All Console Web API with Demo

Rajdeep Singh
FrontEnd web
9 min readMay 3, 2020


In This Article, We Learn Javascript Web Console API. I hope you enjoy 😍 that and give me feedback 📢 or suggestion 🙏🏼 about my work ❤️.

Javascript Console API By Rajdeep Singh
Javascript Console API.
Console.< web API Name here >Exmple:


Web Console API

  1. assert
  2. clear
  3. count
  4. countReset
  5. debug
  6. dir
  7. dirxml
  8. error
  9. group
  10. groupCollapsed
  11. groupEnd
  12. info
  13. log
  14. markTimeline
  15. profile
  16. profileEnd
  17. table
  18. time
  19. timeEnd
  20. timeLog
  21. timeStamp
  22. trace
  23. warm
  24. memory

Opening the console

In most current browsers, the javascript console is integrated with dev tools.
The shortcut keys help us open the console more easily.


Opening the dev-tool panel in the Chrome console.

1. Window/Linux:

Ctrl + Shift + J  
Ctrl + Shift + I //then click to console tab

2. Mac Os

Cmd + Opt + J


I am opening the dev-tool panel in the Firefox console.

We are opening the dev-tool panel in the Firefox console.

1. Window/Linux

Ctrl + Shift + K
Ctrl + Shift + I // then click to console tab

2. Mac Os

Cmd + Opt + K

3. Edge and Internet Explorer

Opening the console panel in the developer tool F12, Click on the console tab.

4. Opera

We are opening the dev-tool panel in the Opera console.

Ctrl + Shift + I // Then click on the console tab


Console part of the window global object. So check all associate property in the console, so write window. console. A window is a global object in the web browser.

Check the result in the web console


When checking compatibility, provide information for developers and other staff. So in the case of using the if statement.

if(typeof window.console !== 'undifined'){
console.log('this working'); // some code here
console.log('this is working') // some code here

Formatting console output

Many console methods can also handle string formatting, using % token.

Javascript provides a list of formatting specifiers in js.


  1. %s: formatting the value as a string.
  2. %i or %d: formatting the value as an integer.
  3. %f: formatting the value as a floating-point value.
  4. %o: formatting the value as an expandable DOM element.
  5. %O: formatting the value as an expandable javascript object.
  6. %c: Applies CSS style rules to the output string as specified by the second parameter.
console.log("Hello, My name is  %s. You've called log %d. Floting value %f and javscript object  %O", "Rajdeep Singh",  1, 6.7 ,{test:'testing', num:34});console.warn("Hello, My name is  %s. You've called warn %d. Floting value %f and javscript object  %O", "Rajdeep Singh",  1, 5.7, {test:'testing', num:34});"Hello, My name is  %s. You've called info %d. Floting value %f and javscript object  %O", "Rajdeep Singh",  1, 6.75, {test:'testing', num:34});console.error("Hello, My name is  %s. You've called error %d. Floting value %f and javscript object  %O", "Rajdeep Singh",  1, 6.7455, {test:'testing', num:34});

formatting Example %s, %f, %O

formatting Example %s, %f, %O console web API IN JS
formatting Example %s, %f, %O

Formatting Example With CSS style

console.log("%cHello, My name is %s do working .", "color:red", "Rajdeep Singh" );console.warn("%cHello, My name is %s . working", " color:green", "Rajdeep Singh");
Formatting with %c CSS style in console web API
Formatting with CSS

Formatting Example with %o

console.log("Hello, My name is  %s. You've called log. %o", "Rajdeep Singh",  document.body);console.warn("Hello, My name is  %s. You've called log. %o", "Rajdeep Singh",  document.body);console.error("Hello, My name is  %s. You've called log. %o", "Rajdeep Singh",  document.body);"Hello, My name is  %s. You've called log. %o", "Rajdeep Singh",  document.body);
formatting Example with %o in formatting with console web API
formatting Example with %o


The sequence is a matter of formatting. Right sequence Show Right Output.

// console.warn(" %c Hello, My name is %s do notwork .", "Rajdeep Singh", "color:green" ); // No Working Seuence matter


console.assert() method writes a message to the console, but only if an expression evaluates to false. Otherwise, if the expression evaluates to true, this does nothing.


Like if a statement when the expression was true works; otherwise, no work. But this method work when returning false.

console.assert(expression , message)expression = Boolen Value (true or false)
message = your custom message
Exampleconsole.assert(false , 'this working');
console.assert(true , 'this is not working');


You can clear the console window using the console.clear() method. this removes previously printed messages in the console tab. When using the clear method in your code, you show a message “console was cleared” in your console tab.

console.clear() by web console Api

The web browser provides a console.clear() functionality in build in chrome browser you click on the console.

Click Settings Icon > click on preserve log

preserve Log IN chrome web dev tool with web console API
preserve to log in to the Chrome dev tool


Each time when console.count() method invoked, the counter is increased by one. in your console tab, you see counter + label.

console.count( label here )Exmpleconsole.count(); //default 
console.count("test"); // custom label


console.countReset() method helps to reset your counter. Based on the label, make sure your label is the same.

console.countReset( label here );
console.countReset(); // default
console.countReset("test"); // reset counter base on label
console.countReset('test2'); // label not be same than not work


The console.log() method is very important for us. Because most time, we use the log method to learn another person’s code.

I always use the log method daily.

console.log(" my name is %s %s Exmple by formating log ", "rajdeep", "singh"); // formating console
look like your console with colour


The text Color is not the same in your browser.


console.debug() method is another way to debug your code, like a console.log() method. The debug method provides you with a different colour in the console tab. console.debug()provides Blue Color text in the console tab.


Some work like console.log().

console.debug('rajdeep singh');


The warn() method outputs a warning message to the Web Console.



The method outputs an informational message to the Web Console with a small icon.;Example'testing');


The console.error() method Outputs an error message to the Web Console with a small X icon.



console.dir() method used for debugging. this method prints value in the console tab form of an object.


Some web source says the console.dir() method is an object representation, and others say JSON representation.

console.dir( document.body, " console.dir");


console.dirxml() method use for debugging. this method prints value in the console tab form of an XML representation. Simple means that convert obj, array, etc. into XML form

console.dirxml( document.body, " console.dirxml");

Difference between log(), dirxml() and dir()

understand with two-point.

  1. log() , dirxml() both some work. but dir() shows different stuff.
  2. Javascript very weird language.
const counting = {   one: 'one',   two: 'two',   three: 'three' };   console.log(counting); 
Difference between log() ,dirxml() and dir()
Difference between log() ,dirxml() and dir()

grouping and groupEnd() both create a group message in console tab. the label is optional In this method.'start group'); // label optional
console.log('start test 1');
console.warn('start test 2');
console.error('start test 3');
console.groupEnd('start group') and groupEnd() console web api and groupEnd()

console.groupCollapsed() method create a close group with a small icon

console.groupCollapsed('start group');  // label optional
console.log('start test 1');
console.warn('start test 2');
console.error('start test 3');
console.groupCollapsed() and console.groupEnd() console web api
console.groupCollapsed() and console.groupEnd()


console.markTimeline() method is not shown on Chrome and firefox. only working in Safari.

Check the issue on GitHub.

Profiling in Js:

console.profile() and console.profileEnd() work both.console.profile use for check performance or record performance in js.


console.profile() and console.profileEnd() is non-standard in js.I recommended not use for debugging.

console.profile('testing start')
console.log('testing start');
console.profileEnd('testing start');
console.profile() and console.profileEnd() console web API
console.profile() and console.profileEnd()

More console.profile():


console.table() method is another way be debugging code like console.log(). But this method shows data in a table form in the console tab.

console.table([ 1,2,3,4,5,6 ]);
first: 'Rajdeep',
last: 'singh',
id:' 23456'
first: 'firstName',
last: ' ',
first: 'Henri',
last: 'stom',
console.table() console web API
console.table() method

Timing in js :

It starts with a console.timer() you can use to track how long an operation takes time to complete. Each time you pass a unique name/label.

When you stop the console.timer() method that time you basely call console.timeEnd() with the same label/name

console.timeLog() method provides you with the current value of a timer that was previously started by calling console.time() the console.


Label optional, but multiple times you use console.time() method in this case label recommended.

console.time("time start");
alert("Click to continue");
time start");
alert("click again");
console.timeEnd("answer time");


console.timeStamp() method again uses the browser’s performance or as a Waterfall tool.

This method is non-standard, and I will never be recommended using it on production sites.


timeStamp doesn’t work in chrome. It shows undefined. But show output in chrome on the performance tab.

console.timeStamp() // undefined


The console.trace() method displays a stack trace that shows how the code is interactive in web browsers.

Whats stack?

The stack is a Data Structure in Javascript.

function traceTest(a, b){
console.trace(" Start Trace");
return a + b;
traceTest(23 ,3)
console.trace() web console api
console.trace() in console

Read More about console.trace()

Read More About stack()


console.memory is not a function or method. Because when you use a console.memory() show TypeError Message in Console.

console.memory help shows a web browser’s current memory information.

console.memory provides three properties.

  1. jsHeapSizeLimit
  2. totalJSHeapSize
  3. usedJSHeapSize:
console.memory // right syntax
console.memory() // show type Error
console.memory web console API
console.memory TypeError in web console API
console.memory TypeError

Code For Play

Copy and paste to your editor


I recommended using my web browser and editor for a test or play code. Please, make sure never to use an online javascript code editor. Because code run, but output maybe not show a clear.



My Conclusion on console web API is very different. Because of javascript’s peculiar language. I recommended to you only log(), warn(),error(),and info() use for debugging.

Other web Api I never recommended you to because of some browser support.

In another region, some APIs work with Web Workers, and others show errors in the node.js.

If there are any queries, mistakes, and Suggestions. Please, tell me in the comment box.

Browser compatibility web console API
Browser compatibility by

Contact me:

Thanks for Reading



Rajdeep Singh
FrontEnd web