Royale Finance & Ferrum Network Ally To Launch The Royale Mint

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4 min readApr 21, 2021


Royale Finance is looking to broaden its staking offerings with the launch of a new staking opportunity. This new network feature is made possible thanks to a new partnership with an interoperable DeFi ecosystem solution, Ferrum Network. Ferrum and Royale Finance will work together to launch a staking pool mechanism designed to enhance network participation, facilitate utility and bountifully reward holders.

Ferrum Network: Blockchain Interoperability Protocol

Ferrum network has identified the problem of decentralized finance solutions being constrained to a few slow and expensive blockchains that lack interoperability with fiat currencies. This has led to the release of many risky DeFi products that inhibit the growth of the overall DeFi industry. Ferrum recognizes that providing better DeFi products with interoperability features will not only drive interest in DeFi but will also allow the DeFi industry to reach its full potential.

To encourage development and encourage mass adoption to DeFi, Ferrum Network crafted its interoperability protocol known as DAG to seamlessly connect blockchains and facilitate the exchange of digital assets with near-zero transactional fees. This link-based swapping technology enables the rapid transfer of digital value across chat or social media apps while eradicating the complexities of wallet addresses.

Ferrum Network has also developed its unique staking mechanism by leveraging flexible ERC-20 smart contracts. This staking feature operates like a decentralized high-yield savings account; allowing participants to lock and earn tokens over a certain amount of time. The success of this staking technology has allowed Ferrum to offer Staking-as-a-service to several DeFi blockchain projects.

Royale Finance & Ferrum Staking Pool Mechanism

The Royale/Ferrum partnership will take advantage of the Ferrum Network staking technology to launch a staking pool for Royale’s Kings and Queens. Under this framework, participants can provide $ROYA liquidity by staking their ROYA tokens to earn more ROYA. Following the general staking concept, the amount of earnings will be determined by the amount of time the tokens are staked on the platform.

This new feature has launched with three kinds of staking pool options on the Royale platform, including:

  • Regular staking contract at 35% APY fixed with limited ROYA token entries
  • NFT mining only pool and 7.2% APY interest pool for our remaining 5 Queen of Queen NFTs (nominal value 2,800 ROYA)
  • NFT mining and 7.2% APY interest pool for 1 King of King NFT (nominal value 28,000 ROYA)

With the availability of these three staking pool options, Royale’s network participants now have a number of choices and can decide to select which staking pool better suits their liquidity mining strategy and will earn the highest rewards possible.

As the partnership unfolds, Ferrum will now gain access to the passionate Royale community of Monarchs while Royale Finance has added a new reward offering for its network participants. This staking symbiosis will foster the growth of the Royale Network and stabilize its position in the DeFi marketplace.

“We are focused on improving the DeFi space with top tier products, services and offerings. Our staking technology is a key aspect to fulfilling this goal. Partnering up with Royale Finance further grows the Ferrum staking mechanism and brings in a new crop of zealous blockchain investors in the form of the Royale network’s honorable participants. We are glad to team up with Royale Finance and hope to expand this staking offering to more DeFi systems in the future.” — Ian Friend Co-Founder, COO Ferrum Network

“The launch of our staking pool mechanism in conjunction with Ferrum Network is another milestone in our development and a win for all Royale’s Monarchs. This is paramount seeing as passive opportunities are becoming a growing trend. Ferrums partnership provides credible opportunities for our Royalety and stabilizing our network long term.” — Matthew Armstrong, COO Royale

Stake and Mine your NFTs here

About Royale Finance 👑

Royale Finance is an industry-focused decentralised lending protocol. Its purpose is to create Web 3.0 smart-backed funding solutions using DeFi primitives in order to support the innovation of iGaming products and platforms. The combination of iGaming rewards, uncorrelated to DeFi crypto assets but powered by base layer DeFi protocols, we call iGDeFi.

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About Ferrum Network

Ferrum Network is building a DeFi ecosystem that interoperates across chains and removes barriers to mass adoption with user-friendly products for swapping, staking, and transferring cryptocurrencies. Its cross-chain DAG will enable the transfer of any digital asset in milliseconds for near-zero network fees, unlocking tremendous value for the entire industry.

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