Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2021


Royale Works With Immunefi To Bolster Its Network Security & Defensive Capabilities

To beef up its network security and fortify its fortress, Royale Finance is working with Immunefi, a blockchain security platform specifically for smart contracts and De-Fi projects. While the blockchain itself is a reasonably secure system, developers may make mistakes with codes and these errors could create vulnerabilities that can be exploited by bad actors. Royale Finance isn’t taking any chances with these blockchain villains; with Immunefi’s help, Royale will be able to hunt down and identify any defenceless structure within its kingdom.

Immunefi: Blockchain Bug Hunter

As blockchain popularity and utility continues to explode, security is now becoming a top priority for several serious blockchain projects. Little mistakes like errors in code, poorly written smart contracts, or inconspicuous bugs could open the door to vulnerabilities in any blockchain system. Hackers are always on the lookout for such vulnerabilities so they can exploit them to steal digital assets or data. Blockchain platforms that end up being hacked usually lose their business and never recover their reputation.

Immunefi was created as a preventive measure against this type of situation. This security platform is dedicated to helping blockchain networks, ideally those that deal in smart contracts and De-Fi to find these vulnerabilities before the hackers do and provide security against the looming threat of exploitation. The immunefi community consists of code reviewers and security researchers that investigate blockchain networks to expose vulnerabilities and remove security risks.

To actualize its mission, Immunefi launched its bug bounty programs — a “digital scavenger hunt” whereupon Immunefi’s community of security researchers and experts work to hunt down potential vulnerabilities within a blockchain network, including its smart contracts and applications. In exchange for their services, Immunefi’s security researchers receive rewards depending on the severity of the vulnerabilities discovered.

Royale & Immunefi: Blockchain Security Review

In a bid to ensure its longevity and protect its Monarchs against malicious attacks, Royale Finance is working with Immunefi to detect and remove any exploitable vulnerabilities on its network. This proactive approach to security issues and defence fortification further outlines Royale Finance’s commitment to its network users to provide a safe and secure environment for decentralized finance and iGaming solutions — defence is the best offence after all.

The Immunefi security review on the Royale Network will be carried out through the bug bounty program. Royale Finance utilizes smart contracts to run network operations, Immunefi’s community of security experts will help study these smart contracts for error or exploits to avoid loss of users funds during transactions or nefarious smart contract manipulations. As for the bounty reward, Royale is offering USDC or DAI for payouts under $50,000 as well as a TOKEN/stablecoin mix (50% / 50%) for critical payouts.

The protection and well being of Royale’s Royalety is always its top priority. With recent partnerships focused on providing easily accessible risk coverage and now with Immunefi’s security fortification, it is obvious that Royale Finance will always put its network users first. The message is clear, there will be no weakness to exploit as Royale Finance continues to expand its territory in the De-Fi/iGaming space.

For more details visit the Royale Bug Bounty page on Immunefi—

“In the blockchain world, reputation once lost is difficult to recover especially if it was due to an avoidable hack. The solution to this is to prepare the best defence possible. Our team of security researchers are working to help important De-Fi projects like Royale Finance secure their codes and smart contracts against malevolent actors. Royale Finance is an ambitious platform making tremendous strides in De-Fi, we are honoured to be working with them on bolstering their network security.” — Mitchell Amador, CEO Immunefi

“Our commitment to building a strong and secure network is unwavering. The bug bounty program with Immunefi falls in line with the proactive measures we have been taking to stabilize our network and enhance security. To ensure Royale Finance is up to date with security features, Immunefi will help us look at our smart contracts to identify vulnerabilities or errors and will swiftly get rid of any issues detected.” — Giorgio Andrews, CEO Royale Finance

About Immunefi

Immunefi is the premier bug bounty platform for smart contracts and De-Fi projects. Our community of security researchers and professionals help De-Fi projects review code, disclose vulnerabilities, and make crypto safer. Immunefi removes security risk through bug bounties and comprehensive security services to help drive high-quality decentralized financial products to the public.

About Royale Finance 👑

Royale Finance is an industry-focused decentralised lending protocol. Its purpose is to create Web 3.0 smart-backed funding solutions using De-Fi primitives in order to support the innovation of iGaming products and platforms. The combination of iGaming rewards, uncorrelated to De-Fi crypto assets but powered by base layer De-Fi protocols, we call iGDeFi.

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