Session recaps in progress at Offline Camp Oregon

A huge thank you to our Foundational Sponsor, IBM Cloudant

Steve Trevathan
Offline Camp


IBM Cloudant is the ideal data layer for building Offline First Progressive Web Apps that are fast and responsive, even during downtime. As you might guess from their motto “Sleep More,” they provide an easy-to-use and reliable developer experience around app data storage and syncing. Based on Apache CouchDB, Cloudant works well with both Hoodie (an open source Node.js framework for building Offline First apps) and PouchDB (an open source JavaScript database that syncs).

If you don’t have a technical background, bear with me. Their focus and technology isn’t the only thing that makes them a perfect fit for partnering with Offline Camp. As Offline First is a fairly new concept and movement, IBM Cloudant supports our method of facilitating co-creation and group exploration over the more typical conference formats. Like us, they’re interested in hearing what challenges people are facing in the world of Offline First, seeing how they have independently solved (or not solved) them, and learning from their experiences in order to better support the community as a whole.

Instead of creating independent events pushing something new, they’ve dedicated their time to help us create an unforgettable experience at Offline Camp. To everyone at IBM Cloudant, and especially to the incredible staff working with us to make this event what it is: we salute you.



Steve Trevathan
Offline Camp

Designer, developer, musician, photographer, and artist. Running@makemodelco | Co-org @ux_camps +@offlinecamp