Making Life Memorable!

Chris Geirman
Offline Camp
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

Editor’s Note: Participants at Offline Camp Oregon had diverse backgrounds and interests, ranging far beyond the Offline First approach that we came together to discuss. Through short passion talks, campers shared with us some of the hobbies, projects, and technologies that excite them. We’re sharing a taste of that passion with you here as a preview to our upcoming events.

Chris Geirman presents “Make Life More Memorable” at Offline Camp Oregon, November 2017

Let’s face it, most of life really isn’t that memorable. Of all the countless hours and minutes we’ve lived on this planet, most of them will be completely forgotten. Sad, but true. But there are many moments we’ll remember, too! Those memorable moments are the highlight reel of our lives. When we’re old, these will be the moments we reflect back on and smile. These will be the moments we chuckle with friends about over dinner. These will be the stories we tell over and over again, reliving, and re-enjoying. These will ultimately be the moments which give our lives meaning.

A Couple of Bachelorettes Playing with Chocolate

Because these memorable moments are so important, I’ve created a business around the creation of such moments. FrogQuest is a high-energy game for team building which puts costume-clad teams in competition with each other to scour the city on foot making spectacles of themselves and others as they frantically compete to capture daring, interactive photo-quests with their smartphones. High score wins! Each event generates hundreds of memorable moments and curates the best of them all in a photo slideshow, to be re-enjoyed and relived over and over again.

Whatever you do in life, make it memorable!

FrogQuest Photo Scavenger Hunts Creates Laughable Moments You’ll Remember



Chris Geirman
Offline Camp

Founder @FrogQuest, developer of react-native, javascript, serverless and coldfusion apps, tech newsletter junkie