Reflecting on Offline Camp

Bradley Holt
Offline Camp
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2016
The Offline Camp venue and view.

Wow. What a weekend. I’m still processing my experience at Offline Camp and what it all means for the Offline First movement. I had hoped that Offline Camp would be an opportunity to connect and build the growing community around Offline First, and Offline Camp far exceeded my expectations. It was such a wonderful collection of passionate and dedicated people, with a diverse set of goals and perspectives. A huge thank you to all of the campers who joined us in the Catskills, and to those who wanted to be there but couldn’t make it. First, some camper reflections…

Campers set the agenda for Offline Camp and we ended up having more than 15 sessions and 15 “passion talks” over the course of the weekend. Session topics included offline maps, growing the Offline First community, dealing with the physical storage limits of devices, engineering design patterns, UX design patterns, the decentralized web, building the Offline First community through face-to-face events, the physical web, service workers & foreign fetch, APIs, making a central community hub, tools for making offline better, and security & encryption. I was very happy to see sessions on the technical aspects of Offline First as well as sessions on building the community around Offline First.

Watch this space for individual session recaps and more posts about Offline Camp. If you participated in Offline Camp and would like to post a session recap here, or would like to share anything else about your experience, then please let us know here in the comments. We’d love to have you write a guest post!



Bradley Holt
Offline Camp

Leading developer advocacy for open source data and AI at IBM | opinions are my own