An unconference session in progress at Offline Camp Oregon

The support and presence of Microsoft Edge at Offline Camp means everything

Steve Trevathan
Offline Camp


I’ll start out with what may seem obvious: Microsoft Edge is an amazing fit for the content and objective of Offline Camp Oregon. Responsible for the modern browser on Windows 10 with all the latest web APIs and features we depend on, they’re some of the most influential on what is possible with web technology. For this reason alone, having their voice at camp is invaluable to the future of Offline First.

In collaboration with standards groups like the W3C, the Edge team is experimenting with a huge array of possible futures of the web and are putting their brilliant minds to task on everything from experimenting with new JavaScript APIs and developer experience to improving Service Worker and enabling better offline experiences. In fact, if you jump on the Windows Insiders program you can test out new features like Service Worker (which just shipped behind a flag in their Fall Creators Update) and push notifications as they land.

At Offline Camp, the Edge team is able to get a first-hand account of all the unique challenges that individual campers are facing in the world of Offline First. With this they can bring what they’ve learned to the table for discussion with standards bodies like the Service Workers Working Group (which they’re part of along with teams from Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Samsung Internet, Intel, and Facebook.), giving a unique opportunity for campers and sponsors alike to work together to shape the future of the web. You can learn more about the great work they’re doing on the Microsoft Edge Developer Site, where you’ll find their Platform Status roadmap page, free VMs, and remote testing in Edge preview builds.

To Ali, Nolan, and everyone from the Microsoft Edge team: thank you for your tremendous and critical support of both this event and the Offline First movement.



Steve Trevathan
Offline Camp

Designer, developer, musician, photographer, and artist. Running@makemodelco | Co-org @ux_camps +@offlinecamp