
An Offline Camp passion talk from Kyle Mathews

Teri Chadbourne
Offline Camp
2 min readMar 7, 2017


At Offline Camp California, Kyle Mathews shared with us one of his open source projects, Typography.js, a powerful toolkit for building websites with beautiful design.

Kyle Mathews demos Typograpy.js in his passion talk at Offline Camp California (Image credit: Gregor Martynus)

The goal of Typography.js is to provide a high-level elegant API for expressing typographic design intent.

Typography is a complex system of interrelated styles. 100s of style declarations on dozens of elements must be in harmonious order. Trying one design change can mean making dozens of tedious recalculations and CSS value changes. Creating new Typography themes with CSS feels hard.

Typography.js provides a vastly simpler way to define and explore typography designs.

A sample of design generated by Typography.js

You provide configuration to the Typography.js JS API and it uses its Typography engine to generate CSS for block and inline elements.

Typography.js makes it easy to create designs that are unique, personal, and custom to your project.


Check out the video of Kyle’s passion talk for a taste of what Typography.js can do:

Typography.js (an Offline Camp California passion talk from Kyle Mathews)

Kyle is also working on Gatsby.js, a React.js static site generator that transforms plain text into dynamic blogs and websites with modern web technologies. He’s working to implement Service Workers to enable client caching and offline support.

You can find more background on the Gatsby.js and Typography.js projects on Kyle’s blog.

Editor’s Note: Participants at Offline Camps have diverse backgrounds and interests, ranging far beyond the Offline First approach that we come together to discuss. Through short passion talks, campers share with us some of the hobbies, projects, and technologies that excite them. We offer you this taste of that passion as a preview to our upcoming events. Learn more at the camp website or follow us on Twitter for updates.



Teri Chadbourne
Offline Camp

Web developer | Building the dweb community as lead maintainer of @ProtoSchool at @ProtocolLabs | @OfflineCamp co-organizer & #OfflineFirst advocate | she/her