J. Renée Beach delivers a passion talk at Offline Camp California, November 2016 (Image credit: Aaron Ross)

When Was That Invented?

An Offline Camp passion talk from Jesse Beach

Teri Chadbourne
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2017


When Jesse Beach isn’t busy improving accessibility at Facebook, she likes to poke around on Wikipedia and find out just how old things are. In one of her passion talks at Offline Camp California, she shared some of this fun trivia with us, from the earliest mirrors and taxis to belts that pre-dated pants-holding-up functionality. Check it out!

For more from Jesse, check out her interactive passion talk on how connectivity is a form of accessibility:

You can also listen to Jesse’s chat with New Builders podcast co-host Jim Young, which starts at 22:47 in this compilation episode of camper interviews:

The New Builders Podcast, Ep. 24: A Hodgepodge at the Lodge — Live from Offline Camp California

Jesse also wrote a great post summarizing a camp discussion on UX patterns for offline experiences:

Editor’s Note: Participants at Offline Camps have diverse backgrounds and interests, ranging far beyond the Offline First approach that we come together to discuss. Through short passion talks, campers share with us some of the hobbies, projects, and technologies that excite them. We offer you this taste of that passion for as a preview to our upcoming events. Learn more at the camp website or follow us on Twitter for updates.



Teri Chadbourne
Offline Camp

Web developer | Building the dweb community as lead maintainer of @ProtoSchool at @ProtocolLabs | @OfflineCamp co-organizer & #OfflineFirst advocate | she/her