100 Best Albums from NYC 2020

Daniel Offner
Offner Offbeat
Published in
5 min readDec 24, 2020


Man, the year 2020 totally sucked. People have been getting sick and in some cases even dying from the COVID-19 virus. Some have had to quarantine indoors, separating themselves from much of the outside world. Meanwhile small businesses and restaurants have struggled to stay open.

The death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police sparked widespread protests against brutality and systematic racism all across the country. Some of these peacefully assemblies escalated into full scale violence. Thousands were arrested or worse as a result.

But despite all the heaping piles of crap that 2020 seemed to throw our way, the music never stopped. Thankfully so many amazing artists have shared their music this year.

Believe me there were much more than just 100 albums to pick from this year. After careful consideration and deduction, these are just some of the best that New York City and the surrounding areas had to offer.

Lists from years past: 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016

Honorable Mentions:



Daniel Offner
Offner Offbeat

Journalism professional, certified audio engineer, photographer.