Hey Monogram!

Jesse Williams
Offset HQ
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2016


This week has been exciting.

We have officially launched… our teaser site. We haven’t given much away yet, but it’s the first time Monogram has been out in the wild. We also now have Twitter and Instagram accounts. See, exciting stuff!

For those who are yet to check it out, Monogram is an iPhone app that lets you to share what you do. We’re primarily aiming at people whose work can be better explained via visuals, whether that may be photography, illustrations, or physical products. It’s a natural extension to what MOO already does: Helping people stand out and tell their story with beautiful products.

All excitement aside, we still have lots to do. We’re busy analysing beta tester feedback, deciding which features are a must have for 1.0, and which ones can be worked on later. We also made a start on on how we’ll market the app and talk to press, with the help of people at MOO.

A peek at the Monogram presenter.

On the product side, this week saw us kick off on the second iteration of the presenter in the app. Things were going fairly smoothly until we realised the animations were giving Ben motion sickness. Hm, not ideal…

To sum up, things are going well, we’re working hard, and we have a website. If you want to help, you can beta test Monogram! Visit our site and sign up! 👍

Until next week.

