Week Eight

Yeray Diaz
Offset HQ
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2015

Wait, we’ve launched? Nice!

It’s been busy around here, real people are making real Stacks and we’ve been at our best to keep up. A whooping total of 600+ invite requests, 344 users and a nice round grand total of 150 Stacks!

Slowly but surely we’ve been bug fixing and tweaking the site, responding to the (mostly) lovely feedback from our cherished Stackers, but we want more! We’ve sent a new set of private invites and we’re rolling out a new system that will allow you to invite other people which should be exciting.

It’s been incredibly encouraging to watch people use Stacks to showcase their expertise and know-how in all sorts of areas, we’re putting together a newsletter and sharing the love in Twitter, it’s important to give back.

And before you ask, “Fire Marshal” Utku’s What I use to design and prototype digital products is the top starred Stack with 15. Not bad, huh?

Richard gave a lovely talk last week on the vision and future of moo.com and as part of it, we’ve been brainstorming and bouncing ideas against a whiteboard wall, figuring out what our next move should be.

There are some exciting/scary ideas we’d like to work on. Let me tell you all about the… wait, I don’t think I’m supposed to. Why am I standing? Are we live yet?



Yeray Diaz
Offset HQ

Freelance Software Engineer, London, UK. Twitter: @yera_ee