In View: Abundance

Thoughts on lifting limitations to live our best lives with clarity and conviction.

Annie Ngu


I’m a night owl but this morning, I woke up early.

It’s not my conscious mind that keeps me up. No. At night, it’s my subconscious that’s lighting up the darkness. Over the years, I noticed that I’m privy to some interesting dreams. And last night, there was a plethora of them — often strangely looped together. So, if you’re still following: my string of dreams is like “smaller picture” things in a “larger picture”.

Ergo, I couldn’t sleep.

The feeling of imbalance and misalignment hit me the minute I woke up. So whack. I decided to get out of bed, roll out my yoga mat and get into a seated position to meditate and work through my breath. I played a track afterwards called “Abundance Meditation” by Londrelle (read the review I wrote here). He’s an artist that uses his platform to channel and drive much-needed higher vibrations.

In this meditation track, he says:

Everything that you want is available to you now.

Everything that you need you already have.

It’s been my mantra and intention for the day.



Annie Ngu

Product Designer, ADPList Mentor. Check out my co-authored book, #WomenLetsRise