Life beyond work: building a healthy transition

Inga Stasiulionyte
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2023


We spend so much of our lives building our careers. As we encounter some success in our profession, we often become fully consumed by it. We devote all our time, effort, and energy to our work.

However, there comes a day when we find ourselves not fitting in the current situation. This could be initiated by our internal dissatisfaction with the environment, lack of growth, or purpose. This could be pushed upon us by organizational restructuring. This could be our aging body forcing us to retire.

Several times in our life, we face the need to transition. Every time it becomes more painful to let go of the past and find hope to create new.

  • Why do we need to think about our life beyond work now?
  • Why is it so hard to transition?
  • What are the tools that help us to transition?

We invite you to join live talks with Olympians and Performance Coaches to explore topics that help us break our limits.


Inga Stasiulionyte, Olympian in javelin throwing, performance coach at Valor Performance, and founder of

Joe Jacobi, Olympic Gold medalist at whitewater slalom, performance coach at Valor Performance, and founder of

LIVE TALKS: Life beyond work: building a healthy transition

Watch the recording here:


04:00 — Why is it important to think about transitions?

  • Confronting mortality allows us to extract what is the most beautiful and meaningful in life
  • Distinguishing where we are in our progression
  • We are changing, and we need to recognize those changes.
  • Eliminating things that are not as important anymore as it was before
  • Making peace with the younger self who was setting goals and recognizing that what got us here might not get us to the next things we want
  • How can we help ourselves with those shifts?
  • Confronting mortality allows us to extract what is the most beautiful and meaningful in life

09:10 — What does “life beyond work” mean?

  • Health capacity — what do we need to do now to enjoy ourselves at older ages as the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s?
  • What is our relationship with work and personal life?

12:20 — The meaning of joy shifts with age

  • Transitioning does not mean that we will not have the same or even higher enjoyment levels at different stages of our lives
  • Recognizing and comparing how we feel about different stages of life
  • Subtraction is becoming a principal part of life with age, eliminating what is not as important to move closer to the things we most value.
  • Age provides us with wisdom, experience, and knowledge on what to focus on to accomplish more complicated things.
  • Accounting for how much we have grown to update our self-image and the definition of success

21:20 — Why is it so hard to transition?

  • It is hard for us to see and recognize our changes.
  • Honestly answering these questions: What does the ego want here? Why is it so hard to admit that some part of us is not the same as before? Why is this so important? Who is setting the rules for our game? What do we really want out of this?
  • Shifting the definitions of our values
  • Taking power in our identity shift

27:00 — How to have a conversation about transitions with clients?

  • Evaluating what jump we have to make. How much space do we have to clear to land?
  • Acknowledging our readiness to make a jump. How stable is the platform from which we are getting ready to jump?
  • What is the cost of not reflecting? What will we miss along the way that we may regret in the future?
  • Restarting the journey of who we are with every transition
  • Untangling our work and personal identities, exploring ourselves outside our careers
  • Creating a new identity for ourselves in different stages of our life, looking at what is meaningful for us
  • Paying attention to small things to appreciate moments. What things bring goodness to our whole life?
  • Finding our place and meaning in the conversations with others, in the environment, in the reality of events
  • Checking in with ourselves: What are our values? What do we want? Why do we want it?
  • Redefining new value priorities

49:00 — How to help ourselves to transition?

  • Incorporating activities that we would be looking forward to exploring after the transition into our current daily life
  • Setting better boundaries and expectations around work
  • How do we see ourselves living when we are 90 years old? Backtracking: what do we need to do now to have that kind of life in the future?
  • How do we want to be remembered? What kind of life would we be proud to live?

56:00 — Takeaways

  • The reminder of where we are in life makes a big difference
  • Checking in with ourselves: do we still hold the same values, what do we want, and why is it important?
  • What else can be experienced that is valuable and meaningful in the transition?
  • How do we transition into big things but also into small things too?

