Sharpening The Coaching Skill: Innovating How We Lead Others

Inga Stasiulionyte
3 min readNov 4, 2022


What does it mean to coach others?

a) Does it mean to tell them what to do?

b) Does it mean to tell them a motivational speech?

c) Does it mean to share your experience?

d) or?

We invite you to join live talks with Olympians and Performance Coaches to explore topics that help us break our limits.


Inga Stasiulionyte, Olympian in javelin throwing, performance coach at Valor Performance, and founder of

Joe Jacobi, Olympic Gold medalist at whitewater slalom, performance coach at Valor Performance, and founder of

LIVE TALKS: Sharpening The Coaching Skill: Innovating How We Lead Others

Watch the recording here:


05:00 — How did we become coaches, and why?

  • I felt stuck for a while. How did you get out of stuckness?
  • You cannot just show up to coach. What does it take to prepare for coaching?

14:00 — Time restraints and coaching

  • Anatomy of bold coaching. Coaching is a relationship, trust, comfort, and longing to improve together.
  • Coaching requires a lot of patience.

16:00 — What is coaching?

  • Coaching does not mean sharing our experiences or knowing motivational speeches. The answers are in the client.
  • Knowing what roles we assume and the limitations of those roles
  • Moving a person from where they are now to where they want to be: awareness skills, strengths, experimenting, adapting new skills, redefining ourselves with those newly developed skills

22:00 — The best coaching practices for leaders who want to see their team motivated

  • Getting to know how our team members want to develop
  • How do an organization’s mission, vision, and values align with a team?
  • Ownership and connection

25:00 — Setting boundaries around the coaching relationship

  • Naming and agreeing what is the best role and approach for the current situation
  • Asking what the person in front of us needs in the situation
  • As a leader, where are you on your journey?

32:00 — How to provide a good coaching experience?

  • Intentionally preparing ourselves for a coaching session
  • Understanding our strengths and weaknesses as a coach
  • Being comfortable talking about the pains
  • Not labeling what is good or bad. A coaching session is based on uncovering what lessons we need to learn from the experience.
  • Discovering what is our learning process: giving time, exploration and testing, allowing to make mistakes, redefining ourselves
  • “This is who I am” — maybe you are more than that
  • Giving options to explore
  • Developing a coaching space — safety, trust, collaboration, stepping outside our lives to explore, and coming back as slightly changed people
  • The parameters to bring the best conversation: listening, asking, connecting, trusting, collaborating, and evolving.

43:00 — Dealing with skepticism about coaching

  • What do we do as coaches when we feel insecure and nervous?
  • Finding high-performance commonalities
  • Under all our uniforms, there is a human being.
  • Removing power dynamic
  • Being vulnerable as a coach
  • Trusting the process. The effect of coaching might not bear results immediately. It may sink in only in a few years.

53:00 — When coaching goes bad?

  • The minute when the coaching is about the coach instead of about the client
  • Coach chasing the light bulb moments and fishing for client compliments
  • Avoiding topics that we as coaches might be personally uncomfortable with
  • Coach and client match — our coaching style is not for everyone

1:00:00 — Takeaways

  • Inventory of ourselves as coaches
  • I see you, I hear you, I am here for you — appreciating clients’ courage to show up.

