Unveiling the Journey in Pursuit of Excellence: Triumphs, Trials, and Transformations

Inga Stasiulionyte
3 min readAug 13, 2023


It is easy to celebrate victories, but it’s crucial to acknowledge the four years of incredible learning that led to this point.

Throughout those four years, the results displayed pure failures, yet the process was filled with new discoveries. This is where Diana’s true character emerged and developed.

In every professional’s career, results reach their pinnacle and then plateau. To advance these results, significant process changes are necessary, often requiring a system shock.

The chosen direction’s success is uncertain, and taking risks becomes imperative to push our limits.

Several changes failed to yield results, which became evident only after a year of training. Subsequently, fresh pivots with renewed uncertainties followed.

It’s comical to acknowledge that even after committing a decade to refine your craft every day, there are moments when you arrive at competitions without a clear sense of what to do. This stems from the fact that the changes integrated during practice haven’t yet ingrained themselves, and the pieces haven’t fallen into place.

During such moments, it becomes challenging to resist the urge to revert to the past and merely replicate what yielded successful results. However, succumbing to this temptation would hinder the process of growth.

Competitions are necessary to test these new learnings under pressure. It can be a disheartening process when you know your potential is far greater, yet you have little to showcase during the transitional period.

During those years of failure, incredible work is invested in maintaining self-motivation, avoiding giving up, and managing others’ expectations and pressures. Bitter comments from the federation, fans, and sponsors who’ve lost faith can be disheartening. Your worth is often solely judged based on your results.

One year ago, during the National Championship, we set a goal for ourselves: to execute a crucial movement flawlessly under pressure. We celebrated achieving it with sheer ecstasy. However, the head of the federation remarked, “Why are you elated? You lost. Tears should be your response.”

Today, we celebrate the commitment to growth.

Congratulations, Diana, for your courage in embracing change, your passion for personal development, and the incredible skills you demonstrated in mastering self-control and superb self-management.

Over the course of ten days, you participated in three competitions, achieving jumps of nearly 14 meters each. This feat was accomplished amid fierce competitors, over 30 hours of travel, a rigorous jet lag protocol, battling fatigue, and the burden of high expectations.

I am honored to provide my support and grow alongside you.

Where are you on your growth journey?

What lessons can you celebrate today?

What kind of support do you have to navigate through changes and transformations?

