An Open Letter to Sexual Predators

Written by Anonymous

mads ꕤ
Of The People
2 min readJun 16, 2020


Photo Source Unknown

Dear Sexual Predators,

Firstly, I apologize for calling you a harsh term. There are only a few words in the dictionary to describe awful people like you so, that was the best pick.

Let me be frank with you. You are absolutely disgusting.

You are full of lust and crave for people, such as myself, to feed your “natural human urges”. The way you would like and try to touch me is horrifying to me. The way your prying eyes see me and would like to see every inch of my body is violating me. The way you would speak to me, simply to get ahold of me, disrespects and disregards my own dignity. Most of all, the way you think of me, in the first place, as a toy, plaything, sex object, etc., immensely makes me ashamed and fearful for my life. I am not made to satisfy your carnal pleasures and fantasies.

Each time you pull one of your tricks and I reject you, you should know that you are definitely NOT allowed and have ZERO rights to my body. I shouldn’t have to explain my reasons to tell you “no”. Once I reject you, I will not be changing my mind. You cannot force me to do something that I clearly don’t want to do. When will you realize that?

No, my clothes are not a reason nor a free pass for you to try anything funny. It shouldn’t be a reason. Just because I wear things skimpy does not mean that I gave you permission to assault me. Then again, does it really matter what I wear? You assault and rape others no matter if their clothes are as revealing as a bralette or as modest as a simple t-shirt. No, I’m not asking for it if I dress revealing. No, I’m not a prude if I dress modestly. Worst of all, society and other closed-minded people will still label me as a “whore” or I asked for it by what I chose to wear. The bottom line is I dress for myself and no one else.

Finally, I hope you and other closed-minded individuals realize that I am not at fault here. When you rape, grope, and catcall me, it’s your doing. It is completely unfair that I spend my whole life traumatized and scarred all from your urges that violated me. Ironically, you go off scotfree, ready to pounce on others, like me. It is not my problem if you cannot control yourself. That’s ultimately on you.

Let this message be a wake-up call for you. Get your act together. Show some respect.

In sympathy,


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