Love and Unity: United Nations Day 2020

The Annual Commemoration of United Nations Day

Of The People
2 min readOct 26, 2020


Visual by Reese Young

For the past 75 years, the United Nations has continuously worked towards achieving peace, harmony, and equality that transcends all borders that may be implicated by race, religion, or other factors. The organization stands upon its firm belief of unity in diversity in the face of adversity — building bridges instead of barriers, helping each other up instead of pushing each other down.

Although it may be hard to find clarity and reason during these very unpredictable times, the UN believes that it can also be an opportunity to enact positive change and needed transformation within and even beyond our own communities. In a world so interconnected by social media and online camaraderie, awareness about the issues that taint society is easily achieved. Solidarity amongst different walks of life is grounded upon the shared humanity and compassion of common human experiences.

However, the problems between nations and groups of people are far from eradicated. Various countries continue to suffer under the hands of more powerful nations; others continue to suffer under their own. To advocate for unity for all is to recognize the plights of others — to be aware that some lives are seen as less valuable than ours, and to correct that perspective. Only then can we finally walk towards true equality.

The task of working towards a unified world should not solely rest upon the shoulders of our leaders. The responsibility of carrying out the mission of the United Nations lies in our hands as well. More than just spreading love and positivity, we need to put in the work; we need to concretely act upon our beliefs and our dreams of a more compassionate and humane society.

Humility and empathy are characteristics that we should all possess, not to feel good about ourselves, but to do good for others. The world needs kinder, braver, and more loving people, all willing to put others first.

In celebration of United Nations Day, let us all continue to educate ourselves and to do good for others. The strongest representation of love is through action — research is love, advocacy is love, and fighting for what is right and standing up for others is love.

In love, there is unity; in unity, there is love.

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