Returning the Power to Our Women

Of The People
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2021
Art by Leslie Tortal

Through the expansive and rich history of our motherland, the stories of women seem to never reach the spotlight, the podium, nor does it ever grace the tongue of the commoner. It is often overshadowed by thick layers of repetitive pages, hidden behind plain stories which have been overly flaunted, and overshadowed by elements which fare common in comparison to the ones written by women. We are yet to realize that the building blocks of the history that we are studying and digesting today, reside upon the countless broken and tireless backs of women who continue to serve the nation and the land for no other reason except freedom, love, and justice.

This year’s women’s month is all about acknowledging that without the bewildering and formidable sacrifices of women beneath the hidden moon, nations, societies, and communities will fail to unify. It is high time that we realize that women, in all their naked and clothed glory, deserve the respect their hunger is directed to.

All the women in our lives have played the most important roles in this theatrical world; the same stage that continues to belittle them and despise them. No amount of hatred would ever compare to the sheer amount of pure strength and unwavering diligence within the hearts of these phenomenal women.

Our mothers have taught us patience, unconditionality in both love and war, and dedication. Their lack of fear despite the possibility of forebodingness has served as the blueprint for millions of fighters to proceed with the fight with no fear, pushing themselves to transcend barriers and to stand up for what is right despite the possibility of never seeing the sun again.

Our sisters have taught us creativity, determination, and grit. Through the sandstorm of pain and fear, these women have exemplified their strength — that the discomfort of the wild storm now will never be able to compete with the sweet sunrise our lands shall witness once we pass this period of uncertainty.

Our aunts have taught us perseverance, courage, and compassion. As the earth’s keepers, it is our responsibility to extend all that we are to those who deserve more than they have been given. Generosity flows through the veins of women and the bloodshed within gardens of roses have inspired all of us to harvest kindness, resent war, and to cultivate seeds of change and heart, even within the same grounds wherein harshness has grown.

Our women are phenomenal. Our women are inspiring, complex, deep, and powerful. Every woman on this earth is walking with the collective and shared understanding that may it be through hell or high water, we will prevail and rise up.

It is time for these stories of strength and bravery to make headlines. It is time for women to make their way to the frontlines of the battlefield; a position that has been rightfully earned. It is time for women to be the stars of this theater stage. It is time for women to be under the spotlight, boundless and free from the shackles. We deserve to be exemplified, for our powers have quickly overcome mountains and crossed seas.

No mountain is too insurmountable, no sea is too deep, and no monster is too sinister for an empowered and all-encompassing woman.

Happy International Women’s Day!

