How can Individual Creators Build Their Reputation?

Shulin Zhao
OGQ Corp
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2020

More and more millennials are walking out of offices to start a career on their own. Looking forward to flexible timeline and comfortable lifestyle, many of them have become freelancers, among whom some have become successful role models. However, when you delve into stories behind their success, you will find it’s not always a bed of roses.

The obscure starting point is always full of challenges to those seeking independent career, especially individual creators who highly rely on the exposure of vulnerable digital asset contents to find opportunities. So today, I’d like to talk about how individual creators, either painters, photographers, or illustrators, can make right choices to take off more smoothly.

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Most individual creators first establish networks on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Weibo, and so on. However, competing with so many UGCs of diverse topics in these open platforms makes it difficult for creators to connect with the target group. Or in other words, the marketing cost will be too high for the them to concentrate on content creation. Moreover, severe copyright infringement can happen in these content-sharing platforms. Without the strong proof of copyright, creators will find it hard to hold to account those who illegally spread their asset contents or even make profits of it.

To solve this problem, some individual creators sign contracts with big agencies or digital platforms. However, the popularity of platforms can bring tradeoffs. In most big asset content platforms, creators have to sacrifice their personal identity and act in the name of the platform, not to mention self-marketing. Therefore, however popular their asset contents can become in the future, the creators’ names will still be unknown to fans. Furthermore, big asset content platforms take 60% to 90% share of revenues and leave as little as 10% to 40% to creators. Even worse, some platforms keep the asset content price a secret to creators and only give them a tiny portion as contribution fee.

But since it is rational for independent creators to rely on a platform or agency at the beginning of the career to reduce marketing cost and guarantee their basic rights, what kind of platform is good for them? Are big-name platforms really good ones?

Before choosing a platform to work with, there are several crucial things creators must consider about. 1. Does the platform reveal creators’ real identities to help manage creators’ own reputation; 2. Does the platform allow direct communication between creators and fans; 3. Does the platform indicate asset content price and revenue distribution policy transparently and fairly; 4. Does this platform have the will and capacity to protect creators’ copyright.

Therefore, I sincerely recommend OGQ Social Creator Platform to individual creators. I have chosen to work with OGQ because I love its business philosophy: all for creators’ benefits. In OGQ, creators can simply focus on content creation, and OGQ will help guarantee their fair rights: 70% share of asset content revenue, direct communication with fans, strong copyright protection, and unlimited business opportunities from OGQ’s expanding global asset content markets.

If more and more creators can choose platforms like this, a better ecosystem for all creators will be established in the near future! Let’s work together!

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Shulin Zhao
OGQ Corp
Writer for

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