Beyond Saving Time: The Strategic Advantage of Empowering Software Developers to Ship Products Faster

Wilder Lopes
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2024

When considering what holds more sway in the business world — time savings or delivering products swiftly — it’s crucial to delve into the nuances that each factor brings to the table, especially in the realm of technology and its impact on development teams.

Technology amplifies software teams’ capabilities

The significance of employing technology to prevent developers from squandering time cannot be overstated. This approach not only enhances efficiency but also improves the overall quality of work. However, this ideal often does not align with the top priorities within most business frameworks. The crux of the matter lies in the challenge of conveying the value of time savings to decision-makers who are primarily focused on tangible business outcomes. For many in leadership positions, the concept of saving time for developers might appear too abstract or indirect a benefit, leading to a lack of appreciation for how such savings could, in fact, boost business output. This discrepancy in valuation can be attributed to the perception of time savings as a “boring” metric by some decision-makers, who might find it less compelling than more direct measures of success.

A more strategic approach to garnering the attention of business decision-makers involves highlighting how technology can amplify the capabilities of development teams. The argument here pivots on the premise that if technology can enable a team to expedite their work — effectively pushing more products through to completion in shorter periods — this becomes an attractive proposition. The allure of speeding up product delivery is universal, transcending the boundaries of technical and non-technical stakeholders alike.

Bridging the gap between the intrinsic value of time savings and the overarching goal of enhancing business performance.

Consider, for instance, a development team tasked with evaluating and integrating open-source tools into their products. This team operates under the constraints of limited resources, a common scenario in many organizations. If a new product or technology could empower this team to sift through, evaluate, and incorporate ten times the amount of source code within the same time frame, the benefit becomes undeniably clear. Such a leap in productivity and efficiency would not only captivate the interest of decision-makers but also underscore the direct correlation between the judicious use of technology and enhanced business outcomes.

In essence, while saving developers’ time is fundamentally important for fostering an environment of innovation and efficiency, the persuasive power of demonstrating how technology can significantly accelerate product delivery is what ultimately resonates with business decision-makers. By framing technology adoption as a means to amplify the output and speed of development teams, it becomes possible to bridge the gap between the intrinsic value of time savings and the overarching goal of enhancing business performance.

As we navigate the complexities of technological advancement and its impact on development processes, it’s clear that leveraging technology to enhance team capabilities and speed up product delivery offers a competitive edge. This conversation extends beyond mere theory; it’s about actionable insights that can transform your organization’s approach to development. We invite you to join the dialogue and share your experiences. How has technology empowered your team? What strategies have you implemented to accelerate product delivery? Your insights are valuable to us.

Visit to see how our tools can help amplify the output of software development teams. Let’s collaborate to push the boundaries of what’s possible in technology and development.

