Wicked: A Review

Laura A Bailey
Oh For The Love Of Books
3 min readJul 31, 2014


Pretty Little Liars Series: By Sara Shepard

I believe all books have a purpose and meaning, some just take longer to determine then others. Some books are not for everyone, while some make every #1 spot on every bestseller list. Others are favorites of a few, or may take decades to become known to the world as the wonderful books they are.

I’ve read the past 4 books in the Pretty Little Liars Series by Sara Shepard, Pretty Little Liars, Flawless, Perfect, and Unbelievable, and have now finished the 5th. In my opinion, not very much happens in this installment comparatively speaking. This installment of the series is just as fast-paced and full of unbelievable instances, as the previous. I can’t seem to get enough of this series! New mysteries seem to pop up with every new addition to the series.

In my experience young adult novels seem to be very popular and have very good ratings but are scrupulously torn apart for being empty, overly emotional, unrealistic, and lacking in character depth. Pretty Little Liars series seems to get alot of that criticism. But I feel this series has real depth and relevance to middle school and high school age women. Take Hanna Marin for example, one of the main characters, she struggles deeply with bulimia and father abandonment issues, along with low self-esteem. Emily Fields, another main character, is attempting to discover her sexuality and deal with reactions from family after they find out. Aria Montgomery, the third main character, has never felt like she fit in no matter what age she is or friends she has. She is an older soul that I believe would have a fantastic college experience and adult life but just doesn’t fit on now. She also has the weight of keeping her family together, and seems to be the only what taking responsibility for the immoral acts committed by her parents. Spencer Hastings, the final main character, has a horrible complex with proving herself to her parents, living up to her older sisters accomplishments and trying to live up to the so called “perfection” that is the wealthy, historical Hastings family.

On top of all of these everyday issues teens have to deal with, the girls’ best friend (Allison) disappeared when they were in middle school, then her body is found in her own back yard under a slab of concrete, now the girls are being stalked and terrorized by a mysterious “A” texting and emailing them during their most personal, embarrassing and secretive moments. They think they’ve found Allisons killer and then he disappeared as well.

How would you be handling all that?! I sure wouldn’t be doing very well. I’d be a nervous crazy wreck, needing a sedative and extended bed-rest, haha. I love reading this series because it makes me feel better about my own life, and realize how screwed-up my life could be.

All in all I really enjoyed the book. Its the type of book that I know if I need a quick read to take my mind of my life. I would recommend it to my friends. I look forward to reading the next in the series. ☺



Laura A Bailey
Oh For The Love Of Books

A Millennial-Sorority Girl-Computer Geek-Turned-Writer Grad Student with an Outrageous Case of Love-sickness for Words