Always stress the benefits

People only care about themselves

Mike Adeleke
Oh, Founders


Mike Adeleke is a Co-founder at Domi. They make college housing easy. They can be found here.


People care about themselves, a lot. This is true because you and I do it too. If something is not beneficial to us in some way, we will rarely ever do it.

And so I have to consistently remind myself to think that way when I sell. Life is one big sale. You sell to parents, prospective friends, teachers, classmates, roommates, partners, employers, prospect parents-in-law, etc. Something that does get lost is stressing the benefits of what you are offering.


A guilt pleasure of mine is Growth Hacker TV. The host, Bronson Taylor, was interviewing Tracy Chou of Pinterest. When asked what Pinterest is, Tracy talked of nothing but the benefits. She talked about what Pinterest does for users, not that you can make a collection of your favorite with an online web application and maybe show it to your friends.


Think back to every Apple commercial you have even seen. Rarely is there ever talk of specs or new features. It is always benefits. See Apple knows that you don’t care about the iPhone. You care about you. And if caring about you is caring about the iPhone, then you’ll buy an iPhone.

The same holds true in every case, once a person can see the benefit of what you’re pitching them to them, then you can get somewhere.

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