Anti-Aging Tips & the Ultimate Superfoods List

75 Superfoods to add to your grocery list

Ryan Walseth
3 min readMar 19, 2014

I’ve spent the past few days scouring dozens of health and wellness websites in an effort to come up with the Ultimate Superfoods List (see the list of 75 items below).

We’ve all heard of Superfoods, but how do they work in the anti-aging process?

When we age our skin becomes dryer, less pliable and can develop “age spots”…this is due to a process called Oxidation.

Consuming foods rich in antioxidants (anti-oxidation) such as vitamins A, C, E & Selenium, help to slow the aging process. The list of 75 Superfoods below are great examples of powerful anti-aging foods!


When you slice an apple and leave it on the countertop it turns brown within a matter of minutes. This is an example of rapid oxidation. If you were to put lemon juice, a powerful antioxidant, on the apple slices it would slow the oxidation or rapid aging process.

Antioxidant & Oxidation of an Apple

The same principle applies to your body. Regular consumption of Superfoods helps to slow the aging process. On the flip side, individuals can accelerate the aging process by exposing themselves to high levels of oxidative stressors such as:

  • Processed Foods
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Exposure to Pollution in Air & Water
  • Sunlight

Long term exposure can lead to increased risk of the following conditions/diseases:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Parkinson’s
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Regardless of age, an increase in Superfood consumption in conjunction with decreasing oxidative stressors will improve your hair, nails, skin, and tone…overall personal appearance. Check out the list of 75 Superfoods and feel free to add any others you use in the comment section at the bottom!


  1. Acai
  2. Almonds
  3. Apples
  4. Apricots
  5. Artichokes
  6. Asparagus
  7. Avocado
  8. Bananas
  9. Beans
  10. Beets
  11. Bell Peppers (red, yellow, orange)
  12. Berries (Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries)
  13. Broccoli
  14. Brown Rice
  15. Brussels Sprouts
  16. Butter (organic grass-fed)
  17. Cabbage
  18. Cantaloupe
  19. Carrots
  20. Cauliflower
  21. Cherries
  22. Chia Seeds
  23. Cinnamon
  24. Cocoa/Dark Chocolate
  25. Coconut Oil
  26. Collard Greens
  27. Clorela
  28. Cranberries
  29. Eggs (organic)
  30. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  31. Flaxseeds
  32. Garlic
  33. Grapes
  34. Green Tea
  35. Honey
  36. Kale
  37. Kiwi
  38. Lemon/Lime
  39. Lentils
  40. Lettuce
  41. Mangoes
  42. Mixed Berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)
  43. Mushrooms
  44. Mustard Greens
  45. Oats (steel cut)
  46. Olives
  47. Oranges
  48. Papaya
  49. Peaches
  50. Pineapple
  51. Pomegranates
  52. Pumpkin
  53. Quinoa
  54. Kefir
  55. Pumpkin
  56. Red Wine
  57. Salmon (wild caught)
  58. Sardines
  59. Soy
  60. Spinach
  61. Spirulina
  62. Sprouts
  63. Strawberries
  64. Sweet Potatoes
  65. Swiss Chard
  66. Tomatoes
  67. Turkey
  68. Walnuts
  69. Watercress
  70. Watermelon
  71. Wheatgerm
  72. Wheatgrass
  73. Whey Protein Concentrate
  74. Winter Squash
  75. Yogurt (full fat, organic)

Skip the anti-aging creams, pills and procedures…your appearance on the outside depends on how healthy you are on the inside!

“True healthcare starts in your kitchen, not in Washington.” -Anonymous



Ryan Walseth

Ryan Walseth; My passions are fitness, entrepreneurship, business development, networking, & boating...not necessarily always in that order!