The Nature of Consistency

Mike Ohanu
Ohanu Michael
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2018

With consistency, Frivolous feats leads to victorious deeds.

Consistency can lead to very outstanding outcomes. It heralds new dimensions of what a simple action or thought could be transmuted into.

It is what makes truth valid or not. It is the fuel of change and simultaneously the fuel of constancy. It is the building block of success and progress as well a that of failure.

Every discovery, advancement and breakthrough in science and technology has been propelled by consistent efforts and endeavors.

The universe is governed by highly consistent laws and principles. Nature follows a very consistent trail. Anything that is worthwhile and fathomable leaves a consistent trail.

There is an iota of consistency in events that are deemed inconsistent as long as the event goes on for a period of time, in other words there is consistency in inconsistency. Thus, inconsistency is a essentially the consistent absence of consistency.

As long as one remains consistent and is on the right track he is sure to succeed. Consequently if one is consistent and is on the wrong track he is sure to fail.

What is consistency and why all this fuss about it? Consistency simply means showing steady conformity to character, profession, belief, or custom. In other words steady continuity.

To be consistent means to persevere and it is the fundamental difference between success and failure. It is the differentiating factor between winners and losers.

Consistency is the coherent pattern that exists in truth, success, greatness, reality and every other tangible and intangible thing in life. Thus to be consistent is to be alive and steadfast. It is the single most important factor for success and failure, it is truly transcendental.

Conclusively consistency is the most powerful phenomenon or force that permeates the universe.



Mike Ohanu
Ohanu Michael

Software Engineer | Machine Learning Engineer | Cloud Consultant | Writer