Go beyond NFT staking

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5 min readJan 2, 2024

Staking NFTs has surged in popularity, yet this trend brings with it significant challenges. Projects are under pressure to allocate substantial funds to remain relevant, a strategy that often strains their budgets to the breaking point. This relentless pursuit to keep pace can, unfortunately, lead to projects being perceived as unsustainable or untrustworthy.

In the web3 realm, the stakes are high. The cost of building and operating within this space is substantial, posing a serious risk to startups. It’s not uncommon for projects to fall victim to scams, leaving investors vulnerable and founders struggling to keep up in this fast-moving industry.

The term “staking” has become a buzzword, frequently featured in roadmaps without a solid long-term vision or understanding of its implications. This superficial approach can be detrimental, as the rapid evolution of the space and the fleeting attention span of holders make it challenging for projects to maintain lasting engagement and relevance.

Furthermore, the realities of ongoing development, customer service, and operational costs are substantial burdens. These factors contribute to a pressing need for consistent income generation, a requirement that many projects struggle to meet. This landscape paints a sobering picture of the hurdles within the NFT sector, highlighting the need for more sustainable and thoughtful approaches to project development and management in the web3 environment.

The NFT industry’s competitive nature presents a stark reality: it’s a battleground where projects vie fiercely for attention. This intense competition can lead to isolated efforts, creating what some might call ‘islands,’ often resulting in a harsh environment. The daunting statistic of a 99% failure rate for NFT projects underscores the immense challenges they face.

For users, the landscape is cluttered and confusing, with an overwhelming number of staking sites and intricate point systems that can be hard to navigate. New platforms offering high annual percentage rates (APRs) through royalty payouts add to this complexity, but their long-term viability remains questionable.

This high-stakes scenario raises serious concerns about fairness, especially for ambitious creators and holders. Many innovative projects and their founders find themselves prematurely ousted from the market, while holders are often left in precarious positions.

Recognizing these challenges, ohhNFT has developed ohhHUBs. Our aim is to shift this dynamic, offering a more collaborative and sustainable approach. With ohhHUBs, projects can access essential tools without depleting their resources on development. This initiative is not just about providing tools; it’s about fostering a more equitable and stable environment where both creators and holders can thrive, countering the trend of isolation and failure in the NFT space.

ohhNFT is introducing a groundbreaking solution with ohhHUBs, allowing projects to swiftly set up a hub complete with staking and raffles in under 30 minutes. This rapid deployment offers immediate utility to projects, even before their official launch. This is just the start of an extensive suite of tools designed to benefit both projects and holders.

The upcoming features of ohhNFT are tailored to enhance community engagement and management. An event calendar and holder maps are in the pipeline, enabling projects to seamlessly connect with their community and track events. A custom home page feature allows for the latest updates to be easily accessible, alongside the integration of article postings and feeds from various platforms like Discord.

Moreover, the platform is set to redefine token utility. Holders can use their token points in exciting ways, such as acquiring loot boxes, participating in raffles, or shopping in a custom marketplace. The possibilities for token point usage are limited only by one’s imagination, promising a dynamic and interactive experience for all involved. This initiative by ohhNFT represents a significant leap forward in enhancing community engagement and expanding the functionality of tokens in the NFT space.

ohhNFT is redefining collaboration in the web3 space with ohhHUBs, transforming it into a core utility for communities. These hubs are not just platforms; they’re dynamic spaces where creativity and interaction converge. Imagine hosting dual token raffles, orchestrating event-based token swaps, or even engaging in playful meme wars!

Each HUB comes equipped with its own meme generator and social platform, inviting communities to unleash their creativity. Users can create, engage with, and even tip their favorite memes, fostering a lively and interactive environment. But why stop there? ohhNFT takes community engagement further by facilitating cross-project meme contests, elevating interaction to an exciting new level.

Governance within these communities is also getting a major upgrade. ohhHUBs incorporate DAO lite tooling, allowing communities to hold discussions in forums and translate these into actionable votes, reflecting the collective voice. This is enhanced by the integration of DAODAOs advanced governance tools, enabling functionalities like decentralized treasuries and streamlined payroll systems. Communities can track and participate in governance directly from their HUB, ensuring transparency and inclusivity.

ohhNFT’s approach with ohhHUBs is more than just a set of tools; it’s a commitment to empowering communities, fostering collaboration, and enhancing governance in the web3 era. This is a significant stride towards a more engaged, decentralized, and community-driven future in the NFT space.

ohhNFT is revolutionizing the NFT landscape with its pioneering ohhHUBs, breathing new life into staking practices. These hubs enable swift and efficient project setups, complete with engaging features like raffles, event calendars, meme generators, and community-centered governance tools. The focus on building vibrant, interactive communities is a game-changer, enhancing both creativity and collaboration. By empowering projects with the tools they need on a platform where collaboration is a utility, ohhHUBs are setting a new standard in NFT sustainability and inclusivity. Taking projects from being islands, to HUBs that are interconnected. It’s an exciting leap towards a more inclusive, sustainable NFT ecosystem. The future is bright with ohhNFT!

Join the Hub or Apply to be a creator today!



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Founder/CEO of @Hemp360 . Founder of @OwliesNFT Deflationary Cross-chain NFT collectors game $OWLIES. @ohhNFT Owlies Hoot House Club