Ohnahji U Syllabus for January 14th, 2023 (One Week Away from One Year)

BOSS 2.0
The Alphite Gazette
7 min readJan 18, 2023

🎼 “Believe in me, ain’t gonna be no standing in my way / I got the skills to pay the bills, stay busy earning my pay / Yeah, what I do, keep pushing through, every day, all day / Come stay it to my face if you got something to say” 🎵

Welcome back, welcome back! We’re back to our regularly scheduled programming in 2023, but there’s a little extra twist (which we’ll get to in a second!) So allow me to warmly welcome you back to campus for the 22–23 Spring semester at Ohnahji University! We have resumed our ONJU Saturday educational Twitter spaces, which means the Study Hall is open! Our Communication Major Janine is back with us too, and she’s ready to pore over all the information she’s missed and to see the Ohnahji fam again! Let’s jump in!

This space was live on 1/14/22 @ 12Noon PST and was hosted by Ohnahji University Founder & Dev Ohnahji B. After postponing last week’s ONJU Saturday to recover from being sick; we welcomed B back with a great catch-up session with all the fam!

We started by sending our good wishes of safety to our Alphites in California. The rain and floods have been substantial there, and we hope everyone has been safe and unaffected by the changing weather.

It’s been a season of celebration for us at Ohnahji U! First, it was the holidays, then the New Year, and now we are one week away from our first anniversary! Next Saturday, January 21st, our unique project began minting beautiful black and brown characters to the blockchain! If you’d like some stats from when we first started, check out the syllabus from our look back at 2022!

One of Ohnahji B’s favorite things is seeing the art; he loves to see the newest Ohnahji reveals. As of this space, we are at token 4624 and show no signs of stopping! We are here and happy to share the incredible journey with all of you!


In talking about the market pump in BTC and ETH that had been happening in the hours leading up to the space, B hasn’t been big on talking about how he learned to trade coins.

He’s noticed more people have been jumping into DeFi (decentralized finance) since the bear market took hold and the NFT market slowed down. BONK is a Solana meme coin that recently hit the chart and started to make some waves. There was much speculation about it being a pump-n-dump coin for Solana styled after Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

An interesting point to note was that 50% of their ICO (initial coin offering) was airdropped to Solana token holders to establish some trading volume and get people talking about it. As a result, the coin began charting December 30th for .0000001 SOL, and by January 4th, the price peaked at .000001, for a return of 10x.

ETH, BTC, and many other coins are pumping rn; charting-wise, it remains to be seen if this chart movement will be a pullback or if we are moving up and out of the bear market.

Remember: If you are holding some of these coins, don’t forget to take profits! Like trading in the stock market, don’t overextend yourself and miss a good time to pull out. pause. (NFA)

Looking at the chart movement of BONK and thinking about how coins are pumping in the first place, is airdropping tokens the usual way for coins to gain momentum?

More eyes, and more wallets, generate more traction and volume. Akin to the Yuga ecosystem and ApeCoin, tactics like that get the coins and markets moving.


Some cool things are in the works for the ONJU fam. We also want to debut our ONJU Metaverse campus with the coming anniversary. Similar to the virtual campus on Discord, it will be a place where we can hold classes and socialize with the Alphites. It will be a work in progress and evolve along with the NFT space. So be on the lookout for much more as we get closer to our anniversary!

Companies are still building in the Metaverse arena. Ohnahji B is excited to see it and thinks it all will blow up in 2023. He’s been building great things (check out the sneak peek here) and picking up art from the Ohnahji fam to decorate the campus with (shout out to Manifold and the Apparel Aisle Collective.)

A few events ahead include:

  • Ohnahji B will be a speaker at the Hola Metaverso in-person workshop, Fundamentals of Crypto, in Los Angeles on January 28th. More info here.
  • The Blackwings, a black and brown collective of women in tech and coders in the space, are hosting a virtual Hackathon on Feb 3–5. For anyone looking for more information, tap in on campus. They are also looking for mentors for participants and judges for the Hackathon.

Speaker Symbolik grabbed the mic to share great things going on with Umba Daima, Tech Misfits, and Black NFT Art. The Umba Daima On Point talk show is returning soon with a refreshed structure, including a game show with giveaways and the W3B Tech talk we’ve come to expect for the platform.

Tech Misfits has submitted an app currently being reviewed for release in the App store. Their NFT project is also coming along and is gearing up for release. Omar Desire, a co-founder of Umba Daima, is working with Peachpod to produce art to reflect the diversity we see worldwide. Umba Daima is committed to working to establish a community where we can win!

Black NFT Art is launching a second app called Assemble Now (landing page: assemblenow.xyz), where builders can sign up for beta testing. In the app, creatives like artists, DJs, speakers, and the like can match you with local events that can hire you for your services.


ChatGPT is still going crazy! Amidst working at total capacity most of the time, so much so that many users cannot log in. Rumors are swirling about Microsoft acquiring the chatbot, but there’s no official word on whether or not the corporation will be paying big bucks for the newest piece of AI technology.

Our multimedia art & tech guru EyeSeeThru has been posting plenty of resources, links, and articles about how to use the tools in the #AI-GPT social channel.

A particular highlight of one of the posts this past week was a series of tweets from Shawn, a Twitter user who built Answers by AI chatbot by asking ChatGPT how to implant its API into a WordPress website. Forty-eight hours later, he was approached by Originality.ai and sold the site for $10,000!

EyeSeeThru wants people to take from that experience that Shawn’s intention wasn’t to build a website to make money; he was experimenting and playing with the tool’s functions and understanding that how you engage with it determines what you get out of it. Likewise, Shawn didn’t jump in expecting monetization; he was learning how the chatbot works and processes the information given to it.

When reading the tweets, look at his workflow and see how he executed each step. Even when he wasn’t sure what the next step would be, he thought to ask the chatbot, “What should the next question be?” instead of trying to do all the work himself. This is the power of the tools that essentially go unnoticed.

Pro Tip: You can give the chatbot a character and ask it to portray or think in the manner of the character. For example, a prompt to input into the chatbot could be:

“Act as if you are an art and sales marketing expert with 30 years of experience which has led multiple successful campaigns in social media, auctions such as Christie’s, and so on….”

Giving it context for the mindset the bot should pull from should sharpen the output of information you can receive in return. It references the wealth of knowledge someone might have to be able to populate clear answers.


  • Our Healing Hub recently hosted Dean Kang Hussle for a fantastic conversation on mental health and to talk about his podcast 10 Minute Morning Huddle. So be sure to listen to the space here and check out his podcast!
  • Big shout outs to our Ohnahji fam who attended the space and are doing amazing things, including G is for Great, who is a finalist in the S1C World Grant Contest; Draco, a queer indigenous artist who has been dropping great music over the past few months, and last but not least, the amazing Bubbly Orca, who provides COMPREHENSIVE information on staying secure in W3B through her company RektifyAI.


Earlier in 2022, we began awarding special recognition to members of our Ohnahji family who go above and beyond for the community. We are happy to bring back Alphite of the Month in 2023, and our January recipient is the incredible Jataro!!! He has been such a supportive force in the space, from his steady attendance at ONJU spaces and events, the sharing of information and resources on campus, and even his Web3 Wednesday, where he mints an Ohnahji token that he uses to onboard his family and friends into W3B, he has been an outstanding Alphite worthy of every accolade! Congratulations, Jataro, and thank you so much for your support!

This first space of 2023 got us off on the right foot, and we’re excited for what the year will bring — forget about the rest of the year; January will be one to remember! Don’t miss a moment! Keep your eyes on everywhere ONJU is, from our Twitter, website, and campus! See you around!



BOSS 2.0
The Alphite Gazette

they/them, 🏳️‍🌈| dancer & choreographer | Dean of Communications @ohnahji | W3B writer & blogger | alpha fam @gtacrypto