Social Media Marketing: Grow Your Audience & Protect Your Brand — Ohnahji U Syllabus for December 9, 2020

BOSS 2.0
The Alphite Gazette
6 min readJan 11, 2024

🎼 “I only got ten likes in the last 5 minutes / Do you think I should take it down? / Let me take another selfie” 🎵

Greetings, ONJU students! I’m BOSS, Dean of Communications here at Ohnahji University. Today, our star pupils Janine and Lena are joining me to break down key insights from our ONJU Saturday session. We’ll be reviewing tips on navigating the complex world of social media and staying vigilant in the web3 space. Janine and Lena have assembled a cliff notes version for you all, so let’s dive right in!

This space⁠ was live on 12/9/23 at 10 am PST, hosted by Ohnahji U Chancellor ⁠Ohnahji B⁠, and cohosted by Dean of Communications BOSS2.0 and Dean of Business EyeSeeThru. This week, we dive into social media strategies, protecting yourself from scams in Web3, and a mega checklist for taking your TikTok to the top! 🎓


The TezPole Pole-mic at Miami Basel

Diving right in, Ohnahji B and the cohosts discussed the recent Art Basel event in Miami that was happening concurrently with the space.

Boss mentioned seeing all the successful events friends of ONJU put on (like Jadyn Violet’s Ultra Violet Rave). He then brought up the tweet that showed art from the Tezos blockchain being displayed at a venue in Miami. Quickly dubbed #TezPole, many jeered at the display and questioned, “Is this how we display our art now?”

Ohnahji B further discussed #TezPole, stating that, other than conventions like Comic Con, he doesn’t strongly react to most art displays he sees at events.

Upon learning more context about the exhibitors organizing #TezPole, he conceded: “Yeah, that’s kinda unfortunate. They just need to hire creatives to be the creative directors over the visuals and audio of how these activations go. As simple as that.”

So… who’s the plug for the 20-foot LED screens for OhnahjiCon 2024? 🎓

Keeping Up With the Ever-Changing Social Media Landscape

Optimizing Engagement in the Attention Economy

Social media platforms are popping up daily, making it challenging to keep up.

Ohnahji B noted his frustrations. “Social media, I don’t know. It’s already hard to navigate all these, but they’re popping up daily, and they’re good. And the UX/UI is good.”

With new features constantly being rolled out on existing platforms, having a strategy is crucial. Heed these tips from the Ohnahji U fam.

Optimization with Ohnahji B

Chancellor Ohnahji B kicked off the discussion by acknowledging that leveraging social audio etiquette, like hosting and speaking onstage, can help drive followers. He also advocates for optimizing hashtags and trending topics to boost engagement.

  • Participate in social audio spaces by hosting or speaking regularly
  • Optimize hashtags/keywords and trending topics on posts

Analytical Insights with EyeSeeThru

ONJU Dean EyeSeeThru emphasized that sharing and reposting others’ media helps platforms categorize your content. He also outlined that consistency is key. Post multiple times a day, ideally spaced out through moning and evening. Scheduling posts in advance also helps.

  • Use niche hashtags
  • Share community posts before your own
  • Post consistently multiple times per day
  • Schedule drafts in advance

Giving Value with Ghyzmo

Ghyzmo added that valuable content and schedule predictability build audience loyalty. “If you’re giving value, people are gonna start to look for it, and they’re gonna see your schedule.”

  • Offer followers content with value.
  • Establish a regular schedule.

Branding Your Timeline with BOSS

Finally, BOSS discussed managing Twitter profile aesthetics by pruning outdated event promos over time. This keeps feeds fresh and focused. With new layout options like the new Media grid on X (formerly Twitter) curation around personal branding will become more important.

  • Prune old and outdated posts to keep your feed fresh (esp. old retweets)
  • Curate your profile layout around your aesthetics and personal brand

TikTok Specifically

Going Viral Overnight: Unlock the Secrets

While most overlook TikTok, it has proven to be a valuable marketing platform. EyeSeeThru shared ALL the secret sauce for skyrocketing your TikTok in whatever niche you post in!

Let’s break down exactly what you need to know:

✅ Niche Down + Tag Up

Use niche hashtags tailored to your content

TikTok cares way more that you directly speak to specific communities versus having the prettiest profile. Use hashtags to signal exactly what you’re posting about.

✅ Piggyback to Popularity

Share community posts before your own

Reposting others’ content tells TikTok who your people are. Do this first before dropping your videos.

✅ Fragment the Content

Make a post and split it into parts

Don’t stress about creating a bunch of new content every day. Take what you have and break it into a series.

✅ Cliffhang’ Em

They also like cliffhangers where you don’t say the whole thing

Leave them wanting more! Don’t give away everything in one post. The curiosity will have them running to the comments.

✅ Appear Off the Cuff

They don’t care what you look like!

It’s not about visual perfection on TikTok. Post raw, off-the-cuff, even silly stuff. Authenticity wins.

Staying Safe in Web3

How to Avoid Getting Phished

The unfortunate reality of Web3 is that many people are exploited through old-fashioned phishing techniques to snatch NFTs and drain wallets.

Speaker Steve Walson explained how subtle manipulations like swapping similar letters in links (subbing a number 1 for a lowercase L, for example) or setting up imitation profiles are common phishing tactics.

If something seems too good to be true, it may be a scam.

How To Protect Yourself From Phishing Attempts

  • Double-check all links before you click them. A link checker like VirusTotal can help you know what you’re clicking on.
  • Make sure tweets are shared by a project’s official account. Many Web3 companies add safety reminders like the one below to their threads and emails to help users stay secure.
  • Always verify URLs or usernames to ensure you are visiting official websites. This can be done through official social media links or with authentic accounts. Look at Tavonia’s official username and the many variations hackers use to fraud unsuspecting users.

Overall, despite how legitimate they may appear, put less trust in unverified sources.

As Speaker Lex Lucre bluntly stated, “Sometimes, trust no one.”

We covered a ton of practical territory today! Hopefully, you feel equipped with new social media strategies and Web3 safety tips thanks to Janine and Lena’s stellar work.

We have barely scratched the surface, so stay tuned for more insights from Ohnahji University across all platforms.

And remember, sharing is caring when it comes to getting content seen! Until next time!



BOSS 2.0
The Alphite Gazette

they/them, 🏳️‍🌈| dancer & choreographer | Dean of Communications @ohnahji | W3B writer & blogger | alpha fam @gtacrypto