Informational Series — Rebrand Goals

OIN Finance
OIN Finance
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2021

As we hit 6 days to rebrand, we’ll be taking a look into what we’re trying to achieve, and the overall message we’re trying to convey with our new look!

Remember to take notes as we get closer to our Rebranding Quiz giveaway!

Current Branding

As you can see through our website, the feeling the audience gets is one of a clean tech company, one that executes its programs as necessary through its building blocks. Our landing page for example, provides simple blocks/tiles in which OIN is centered, with several other projects shown. This conveys that we’re able to connect to multiple platforms, with our TVL and number of projects prominently shown.

While having a clean and competent image is important for a DeFi project (our platform handles your hard-earned assets after all), we felt that it was not enough to truly convey the intent of our next stages of growth.

OIN Finance & Partners

The most important thing for us was to consider exactly how we might convey that OIN Finance exists to serve a purpose — provide stablecoins to enable DeFi functionality for blockchain projects.

Mentioned in our strategy article, we will be focusing on the larger layer-1 projects in the near term. This means that the OINDAO will serve as a central place for large public chains and their respective ecosystems to come engage in DeFi functions, stablecoins, and to provide a whole new method of exchange.

What we want to convey is this — OIN Finance will be the central figure that branches out into ecosystems as needed, almost as a galaxy branches out to connect its nebulous constellations.

Rebranding Goals

A strong branding is to have accompanying ideas and feelings with a company’s identity. When one thinks of Nike, it isn’t just some clothes and athletic wear, you also think of a runner putting his all into a 100m sprint. Tesla makes you think of impossible dreams that are occurring today, and Mercedes you think of a sophisticated, luxurious drive.

What we’re aiming to achieve with this rebrand isn’t just a new fancy look for OIN. We are looking to bring an image, a feeling along with the OIN Finance name. We want our community to be able to identify with who we are, with what we’re doing, and have an immediate association between our name and our image — a galactic core of DeFi functionality that reaches out into different constellations, our partners.

As we’re heading closer to our rebrand, keep an eye out for our daily countdown, more info and some sneak peeks into our new look, and study material for our rebrand quiz with 7,000 OIN in prizes!


OIN is a decentralized stablecoin issuance and trading platform. While MakerDao allows only mainstream assets to be used as collateral to issue DAI, OINDAO allows projects, large or small, to issue their own brand labelled synthetic assets that are collateralized by their own coins; in essence, any projects can mint their own stablecoins to participate in the greater DeFi ecosystem. Having commenced with Ethereum, and gradually expanding to other popular ecosystems such as Elrond, Polkadot, Avalanche, and most recently Binance Smart Chain, OIN’s aim is to become a one-stop shop for cross-chain stablecoin issuance, trading, and implementation.

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