Informational Series — OIN and OINDAO’s Strategy (Near Term)

OIN Finance
OIN Finance
Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2021

With the OINDAO progressing onto v2 and our rebrand coming, we thought it would be a great time to give insight into how our strategy has developed over time, and how that led to the upcoming rebrand. We’ve decided to focus on large public chains to grow our use cases and TVL in the near term. The underlying theme, and the core cause of all this can be attributed to two things: use cases and the velocity of the stablecoins.

Use Cases

The OINDAO in its core is a platform to create own-brand-labelled stablecoins for projects to use within their ecosystem. Unlike other projects in the space, we do not force a project to collateralize into a common, pooled stablecoin, nor are we limited to one blockchain (we are building on several layer-1 protocols, such as NEAR and Elrond). This is done with the following value proposition in mind:

  1. A customizable set of Key Parameters such as collateralization ratios and liquidation points to tailor to a coin’s profile.
  2. Create a holistic branding strategy for the project’s ecosystem to create a stronger sense of community.
  3. Increase the usability of a coin by providing a mechanism for merchants and buyers alike to decrease volatility risk.

The secondary benefits of our system such as leveraging provide great value to our users without question, but the core purpose of the system itself are the above three points. One of the metrics we keep an eye on to measure the effectiveness of these points leads us to one of the other significant factors in our strategy: velocity.

The Velocity of the Stablecoins

Velocity of money is defined by Investopedia as follows: “… a measurement of the rate at which money is exchanged in an economy.”

As a stablecoin provider, we are always keeping an eye on the velocity of the minted stablecoins on OINDAO, and as a company, we are always looking at increasing our value to our community. The answer to the velocity problem was simple — focus on the public chains with great use cases.

Focusing on the Larger Layer-1s

By nature of large public chains, their platforms provide a wide variety of use cases within their ecosystem, from buying and selling goods and services, to governance and financial products. Stablecoins inherently provide a great method of exchange within these ecosystems, and greatly boost the usage of the coins on OINDAO.

Providing a standardized method of exchange within an ecosystem provides multiple benefits for the users, from having easy-access to a method to transfer value from one party to another, to providing a piece of mind for merchants accepting crypto for payment. This also allows crypto and the traditional business world to integrate a little easier, as the traditional world is very wary of the volatility in crypto’s prices.

We will of course keep the smaller promising projects in mind and promote DeFi in all projects, but our focus for the near term has been determined a priority for our project to grow.

OINDAO in the Near Future

As we progress as a company, we are always looking for the best paths to growth and the longevity of our community. In these turbulent markets, we will be focusing on boosting usage numbers for the products we provide such as the OINDAO and its respective stablecoins, and to realize the next steps to our strategy, goals and vision.

We will be focusing on the more prominent public chains, consolidating our story and information to our community, and in turn the blockchain world.

This set the foundations for our rebrand, one that showcases our true potential as not only an open platform, but also as a widely-used product with fast growth.

We’re excited to bring you the next version of the OINDAO, with a fresh look for OIN Finance that encapsulates our new heading.

Keep an eye out for our next edition of the Informational Series, where we’ll start to look at the individual aspects of our rebrand, and a great event with some amazing prizes!


OIN is a decentralized stablecoin issuance and trading platform. While MakerDao allows only mainstream assets to be used as collateral to issue DAI, OINDAO allows projects, large or small, to issue their own brand labelled synthetic assets that are collateralized by their own coins; in essence, any projects can mint their own stablecoins to participate in the greater DeFi ecosystem. Having commenced with Ethereum, and gradually expanding to other popular ecosystems such as Elrond, Polkadot, Avalanche, and most recently Binance Smart Chain, OIN’s aim is to become a one-stop shop for cross-chain stablecoin issuance, trading, and implementation.

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