Jumbo DEX x OIN Finance — nUSDO Stablepair, Farms, and More!

OIN Finance
OIN Finance
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2022

We’re excited to announce our partnership with Jumbo, a brand-new DEX on NEAR Protocol! With the nUSDO gaining a stablepair plus an incoming farm, our NEAR users gain further leveraged yield-farming opportunities.

Quick Facts

  • nUSDO stablepair listing on Jumbo’s stableswap
  • Dual-token farm
  • Jumbo will launch farms early April, with stableswap going live mid-April

Jumbo DEX, and the Incoming Stableswap

With the recent volatility seen in the markets, users are now looking more and more favorably on stable assets. The Jumbo DEX, which have been making waves within the NEAR community, will be launching a stableswap mid-April to facilitate such trades, and to serve as a crucial backbone within the NEAR ecosystem.

Stablepairs are often overlooked as the more boring type of trading pairs, but often become a critical part of the trading infrastructure within an ecosystem. The nUSDO, our stNEAR collateralized stablecoin on the OINDAO, will be listed along-side others such as the USDT and USDC.

In these turbulent markets, users can rest assured that they are leveraging and farming assets that are relatively stable (stablepairs), through trusted, vetted platforms with some of the easiest use experience in the market.

We’ll have more news regarding the farms, listing dates, and more! Keep up to date with all our developments through our social media channels!


OIN is a decentralized stablecoin issuance platform, allowing users to easily leverage their tokens or interest-bearing assets for leveraged yield-farming strategies. With a robust set of features such as single-vault liquidations and own-brand-labelled stablecoins, we bring the best of both stablecoin solutions and yield farming strategies, all in one platform.

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