TUTORIAL: 1 Million OIN Uniswap Liquidity Pool Incentive Program

OIN Finance
OIN Finance
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2020

As the Uniswap LP Incentive Program goes live today at 12:00 PM UTC, here is a quick start guide to getting your LP tokens, and depositing them on OINDAO to receive your rewards.

What you’ll need:

  1. A working MetaMask wallet.
  2. OIN and ETH deposited in the above wallet in roughly equal amounts in $ value, with a bit extra ETH to cover gas fees.

Getting OIN-ETH LP Tokens through Uniswap.

  1. Go to UNISWAP’s web app (https://app.uniswap.org/), select the “Pool” tab, and click “Add Liquidity”

2. Click “Select a token”, and search for the OIN token using our address below. Click OIN once its found to add.

3. Ensure that the ETH and OIN pair are selected, and enter the amounts desired. Click “Approve OIN”, then “Supply” to generate LP tokens.

Pledging LP Tokens through OINDAO

This is how you’ll be receiving the rewards; through the OINDAO platform.
The basic steps:
1. Open our website (https://dao.oin.finance/lp).
2. Enter the Staking module.
3. Enter the amount to be pledged and click stake.

Redeem LP tokens

The basic steps:
1. Enter the redemption module.
2. Enter the amount you want to redeem in the input box (you can redeem a portion, or the whole amount).
3. Click the redeem button.
4. Click OK in sequence on the pop-up wallet.
5. Check your wallet to ensure a successful redemption.

Mining rewards

  • Each block generates 2.89 OIN in rewards, cumulating to about 16646.4 OIN rewards every day, which are issued according to the ratio of the pledger’s OIN in the block to the total pledged OIN.
  • The rewards can be claimed at any time. Considering the high gas cost of the Ethernet network, it is recommended that the pledge rewards accumulate to a desired amount before claiming.

1. Enter the Mining module.
2. Click Claim Rewards to deposit the rewards into your wallet.
3. Click OK in sequence on the pop-up wallet on the page
4. Check your wallet to ensure a successful claim.

If there are questions regarding the program, check out our Telegram Group.

We look forward to everyone taking part, and claiming their rewards!

About OIN Finance

OIN is a cross-chain layer 2 infrastructure that opens the door for all the blockchain assets to leverage the growing DeFi space. Starting with OINDAO, users can leverage their assets to create their own stablecoin, allowing new use cases and methods of incentive distributions. OIN will build the bridge technology to seamlessly integrate Ethereum and others to start into its ecosystem, opening up to all of the current DeFi space, leveraging their assets and providing yield stacking, mining pools, and more. The dedication to this end is reflected in a three-pronged mission: become the gateway into DeFi, promote the DeFi industry, and grow the DeFi Space to maturity.

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