Introducing Orderinbox

Mehmet Taskiran
OIX Updates
Published in
7 min readFeb 10, 2022

Welcome to a new social commerce platform for the age of the Metaverse. Orderinbox is where our community meets to create, collect, or trade digital collectibles, content, and experiences.

At Orderinbox, we have harnessed the power of NFTs to generate opportunities for everyone. We are building the infrastructure for the new Creator Economy.

The world is about to experience technology that feels like magic. Orderinbox is leading the way.

We are a marketplace. We are a community. We are a revolution.

Made by Creators, for Creators

We developed Orderinbox to address the problem of profitability for creators. Our team, individually and collectively, has been patiently anticipating the new Creator Economy, carefully helping to lay the foundation for a platform that would welcome everyone. Our goal was to build a marketplace where creators can be rewarded, properly, fairly, in a way that allows them to have a viable career and remain at the helm of that career.

Creators will need fewer fans than ever to make a living in the new Creator Economy. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) allow them to directly own their financial relationship with fans instead of relying on tech giants to serve as intermediaries. Moreover, NFTs give creators control over their own economic success and help them maintain ownership over their IP in perpetuity.

Artists, photographers, designers, writers, musicians, and creators of all kinds of content have traditionally accepted contracts that net them a small percentage of their profits because there were few alternatives to get their products to market. And the few alternatives available lacked both credibility and profitability. The tiny royalties left for creators were the only real option. And that business model means only the top rung of creatives ever earn a living. We asked ourselves, does it really have to be this way?

An Open Source Economy

We believe that earning a living as a creator should be attainable for more than just the ultra-famous few. So, creators who want to flip the scales on royalty ratios are in the right place. Orderinbox creators receive 85% from their initial sales and earn up to 30% royalties on secondary sales.

Thanks to NFTs, creation of digital art, blogging, vlogging, and podcasting as mere hobbies have evolved into full-fledged careers. As the Creator Economy continues to unfold, Orderinbox is the place to anchor your offerings. Orderinbox users enjoy a Web3 experience that stands apart, even within the Metaverse. Our distinctive interface is engaging, effective, and profitable. Users can interact, present, buy, and sell. The chance to display your creation — or showcase what you own — blends seamlessly into an experience that is nothing short of a new world.

The Orderinbox Vision

Our philosophy is at the core of everything we build and do at Orderinbox. Our decisions are guided by a vision of the future in which technology not only solves problems but also brings our collective imagination to life.

Giving Back with NFTs

Community is at the core of everything we do at Orderinbox, a value we know our users share. An extension of this value is our plan for Orderinbox to have a philanthropic role within the Web3 world.

From the moment we conceived of a space like Orderinbox, we wanted to incorporate tools that would enable creators to help the charities they care about to receive a share of their profits. NFTs can be the asset that keeps on giving.

We are extremely excited about this fundraising potential. We know philanthropy will further enrich our users’ capacity to express themselves, having both a positive experience and impact.

Leadership in YOUR Hands

The Orderinbox platform is a decentralized marketplace with plans to evolve into a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) as we grow. Our creators will be our owners, our peers, and our partners. As we continue to embrace transparency in all aspects of our business, we will continue building a future in which no one person or corporation can function as a gatekeeper for everyone else.

The independence and security of cryptocurrency are just the beginning at Orderinbox. We support a variety of Ethereum wallet providers such as MetaMask, Torus, Portis, Coinbase Wallet, and more.

Our adherence to interoperability wherever possible means that we will endeavor to support as many chains, currencies, devices, and content types as our users require.

A Social Commerce Collective

Orderinbox has a social component, unlike any other NFT marketplace. Creators who join us will benefit from internal social attention, as well as seamless integration with their existing social profiles. Our unbiased, chronological feed provides visibility to all our users, ensuring that every creator gets a chance to be discovered.

Orderinbox makes it easy for users to share what they love on their favorite social media accounts. We make buttons for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and others easy to see and use. Collectors also have access to creators’ social media profiles with just a click, helping our creators to grow even more.

Like other NFT platforms, creators earn royalties from all resales of their NFTs. But the added boost to their social visibility is our unique edge. Our users will build a fan base alongside collaborative opportunities and strong peer relationships. We are the future of Social Commerce.

We know the future absolutely must be carbon neutral. At Orderinbox, bringing our activities in line with that goal is one of our highest priorities.

We benefit from coming to market at an ideal moment, still very early in the Web3 era, yet able to take advantage of newer, more environmentally friendly, and affordable blockchain tech.

Ethereum is effectively the de-facto chain where the majority of NFT transactions take place. However, we are aware that increased gas fees combined with the rising price of ETH makes it less accessible and can exclude some creators. So, in addition to launching on ETH, we will also deploy our smart contracts into the Polygon network.

We are bringing Orderinbox to the NFT market with contracts on both Ethereum and Polygon networks, to offer our users the best combination of scale, speed, sustainability as well as liquidity through cross-chain bridges.

Polygon functions on a Proof of Stake versus Proof of Work consensus algorithm, making it energy-efficient and fast. The wide adoption and support of this network by the blockchain community were what made our decision easy when it comes to choosing the next chain our platform would support after Ethereum. We plan to bring other chains into our platform, and we will let our community decide on which one to bring next.

Our platform’s inclusivity philosophy extends beyond geography. We embrace creators and collectors of all stripes, many of whom do not come to us with a background in technology. As we grow, so will our education library, supported by an active and engaged user base.

Operating as a DAO, as outlined above, will also ensure that our platform continues to prioritize positive user experiences within a strong and engaged community, alongside growth and future development.

Orderinbox Technology

If you are a tech professional, here is the part where you’ll get really excited. Telling you that we’re building a scalable product goes without saying. Likewise, we’re building a blockchain-powered platform within the Web3 framework. We see the future as decentralized, running on a token-based economy. We already know which wallets and currencies we’ll be adding to what we’ve already built. And by that logic, we know more are in the proverbial mail.

Our users will have a high-quality experience regardless of their device. In addition to phones and desktop computers, we will support VR/AR headsets and we plan to keep growing here too. Here’s a snapshot of our tech at launch:

In short, Orderinbox is building the best technology stack and infrastructure for a combined social and decentralized marketplace, at Metaverse-scale.

YOUR Orderinbox Platform

Organizations that need a dedicated space for their NFTs will also benefit from using Orderinbox. We will offer an API that allows third parties to acquire and manage a metaverse-scale social NFT marketplace of their own. If your organization is ready to break into the NFT world, but you really need exclusivity, custom branding, and overall room to breathe, this could be your path into the digital collectibles market. From sports teams to iconic clothing brands, the social commerce opportunity is set to boom for you too. Orderinbox will be your platform partner when bringing dedicated, custom branded NFT marketplaces to life.

A Fusion of Art & Science

The brave new world of Web3 technology needs visionaries who bring a holistic background to the table. The Orderinbox team fuses digital art, computer science, marketing savvy, and real-world humanity. We bring you a platform that speaks to creatives, connects them to their audience, and in short, closes the gap between creator and consumer.

We will be a thriving hub of creative energy long after terms like NFT and Metaverse have evolved into new ideas. Our scalable model and the adaptable team have the versatility and resourcefulness to navigate a future that is still being dreamed into reality. Follow our quest to build the future. Starting today.

Join our Discord community

Originally published at on February 10, 2022.



Mehmet Taskiran
OIX Updates

Founder of @orderinbox and @stambolstudios #Metaverse #NFTs #AR #VR #AI #Robots #Esports