Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2016

How are you even supposed to begin a blog post on Medium? Do you say Hi? Hello? Howdy? Whaddup?

We are the OK COOL team and we specialise in incredible social media content — from producing it at our studios, or on location to seeding it across various platforms or ‘mediums’ (get it?)

Anyway, for one reason or another, we’re an outspoken bunch and love a good natter so our founder Liz suggests we write some of our crazy ideas down. As much as this digital supernova is all-engulfing, we need to keep it real with some good old Medium posts.

So — I hear you ask, ‘Who are ya?’

This is our founder Liz. She’s pretty awesome — nails the London aesthetic even though she’s from Cape Town. She’s got one of those ‘where is she from’ accents but we don’t hold it against her. ;)

For those that hope to ever work here at OK COOL, here’s a tip for you — she loves young Bob Dylan, she was captain of the girls cricket team in school and her fave IG account is — see ya Monday!


This is Kat. She’s our Russian warrior. I have never seen someone whip out quick photo/video shoots and edits like this chick.

Aside from being a pro Ikea meatball muncher, she’s also our Content Producer. If you can’t find her at the Ikea Cafe, you will see her crushing on Ruby Rose, scrolling through her fave IG account @ignant and posting cool sh*it all over her feed.


This is Jordan. She’s nuts. She works with us as a freelance social media manager because she spends most of her time on this mad influencer hype. Jordan and her twin sister are known as the @collyertwins (check them out) and if you ever need help with presenting, DJ’ing, marketing or bloggers — she’s your gal.

Way to her heart? Good music, Jamie Dornan, @majawyh and coleslaw and peanut butter on toast??!!

We did tell you she was nuts.


And this is me. I’m wearing fake eyelashes by the way here, on my way to a festival — I don’t usually look like Butterflies are growing out my eyelashes but I had to upload a good pic didn’t I?

I am an Account Manager/ Social Media Editor and handle a lot of creative content, strategy, copywriting and production.

I own my own brand and have two published books (your life will change for the better if you read them). My ideal man is Chuck Bass (yes the character from Gossip Girl) and I talk… too much.


I’m a newbie here at OK COOL but if I can promise you anything it’s that these girls will never let you down when it comes to social media production.

From debates over the US presidential campaign to what IG account we find inspiring at the moment, there’s always a topic for conversation. And thankfully a Medium to express our thoughts on.

So subscribe to our page and hear some thoughts and opinions that you may just never forget!



Editor for

Social Marketing and Content Production Agency — comprised of a team of outspoken gals tackling daily London pressures