Los Zetas

Los Zetas Go Solo

Z-3, Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano and Miguel Ángel ‘El 40’ Treviño Morales share the vacancy left by Z-2.

Randall Radic
Okay Elephant
Published in
7 min readJul 23, 2020


Decena’s death opened the door to the top spot in Los Zetas to El Kelin González Pizana. aka Z-2. The DEA in the US already had Pizana on their radar, and announced a $1 million reward for his capture.

Z-2 didn’t last long. He and fifty-five of his men were rounded up at La Covacha, which was a cat-house in Matamoros owned and operated by Los Zetas. Z-2 and his men were there for some ‘freebies.’ While Los Zetas were drunk and speeding on coke inside La Covacha, the Judicial Police were outside surrounding the place. As soon as the police entered the building, shots were fired and there was a mad scramble by the Zetas to flee. A short gun battle broke out, allowing Pizana to escape the building. Outside, Pizana jumped into his armored VW Passat and raced off with the police in pursuit. Pizana tossed grenades out the window of the Passat. The police finally boxed him in and arrested him.

El Kelin González Pizana

Back at La Covacha, two dozen scantily clad ‘working girls’ were arrested and hauled off to the local jail.



Randall Radic
Okay Elephant

Randy Radic is a former super model who succumbed to the ravages of time and age. Totally bereft of talent, he took up writing “because anyone can do it.”