It’s raining employee-friendly policies at OkCredit

Team OkCredit
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2021
Photo by Husna Miskandar on Unsplash

Over the last two years, workplace as we knew has changed. But what hasn’t changed is our commitment to create the most people-friendly workplace. Working from home hasn’t been easy. Savings in the form of time and money have come at the cost of social interactions, something that offices were known for. Add to that work extending beyond work hours.

It was therefore important for us to not only meaningfully engage our talent but also make them feel respected, recognised and heard. At OkCredit, we believe that compensation is just one among several reasons why one chooses to work at a particular organisation. We wanted to right-tick all the other boxes when it comes to those reasons.

Take our unlimited leaves policy for example, that allows our people to take as much time off as they want, as long as the work gets done. At an organizational level, we are very clear about the importance of freedom and flexibility. With our unlimited leaves, people have the complete freedom to decide when and which type of leave they want to take. People, especially millennials, love flexibility and this policy offers them precisely that. Plus, it’s also our small effort towards building trust and accountability.

Absolute freedom on leaves sometimes comes with its own pros/cons. People may take less leaves than they ideally should because they don’t want it to look like they are abusing the system. We want to ensure this doesn’t happen. A switch-off is much needed for people to work at their full potential and that’s why we have made it mandatory for people to take a minimum of 15 days off.

Leaves aren’t the only things we’ve taken care of. OkCredit employees can now work from anywhere. Yes… anywhere– cities, countryside, mountains, beaches etc. Our workcation policy allows people to work from anwhere for 6 weeks in a year. For nomads who can’t halt their feet, OkCredit is the place to be.

With no social interactions, WFH can get boring at times. To keep our people entertained and bustling with energy, Fridays are earmarked as fun days with a number of activities and sessions. There are quizzes, impromptu music and dance sessions, fun art activities etc. We tied up with Rizort for these virtual sessions and have seen engagement levels go up multifold.

We are also trying to move away from the “always available” work culture to a more planned routine, wherein people do not schedule meetings post 7pm. The switch off is much needed to ensure a stress free work environment where both family and work life are managed together.

The crux of everything we have done and will continue to do is our belief that people are our biggest asset. While work is important, it shouldn’t get in the way of enjoying life. Switch off and breaks are much needed to ensure that work isn’t a diary of regrets. Through these small but significant steps we are allowing people time to pursue their passions. We have more interesting things lined up. Stay tuned.

