Global fascism & the Pushback

Okemah Free Press
Published in
5 min readFeb 22, 2020

Today’s Generation X and the Millennials are faced with a stark reality of being broke. It was in the 1970s when Milton Friedman’s economic plan was put into place by the extreme fascist right-wing. This is the context I use fascism. Benito Mussolini consolidated control over the Fascist movement in 1919 with the founding of the Fasci italiani di combattimento, whose opposition to socialism he declared: We declare war against socialism, not because it is socialism, but because it has opposed nationalism.”[1] Fascism further means a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. Does this sound familiar? This 2020 Election process in America is part of a global rise of fascism and nationalism around the globe. For the human well being it’s now time, we fight back.

One can simply say that showing up to protest won’t change things. But two things prove this type of thinking wrong. First, over 100 years ago, many nations fought back on the rise of global fascism during the reign of Mussolini, Hitler, and others in the early 1900s. Second, it only takes 3% of citizens to protest successfully.

David Robson in his 2019 article for BBC explains, “Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts — and those engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.”[2]

In the past year, there have been numerous neo-liberal anti-fascist, anti-nationalism protests held in many countries. Take recent, Germany. On February 20, 2020. Thousands took to the streets of Berlin to show their resistance against the rise of right-wing terror and fascism in the wake of a far-right attack in the German town of Hanau that saw at least 9 people murdered by a white extremist.[3] & [4]

The week of February 16–22, 2020 the RCMP (Candian police).[5] The police assault on Wet’suwet’en people, Indigenous nation. Globally since time memorial Indigenous nations have been targeted by white nationalist colonizers and have preformed genocide upon the Indigenous nations.

Within the past month, the horrific and human rights violation intended the Trump administration and Israel debuted the most disastrous Peace Treaty. It’s so draconian that many Middle East countries are against it. Even as far away as Canada the Jewish citizens there, Canadian Jews stand With Palestinians in rejecting Trump’s “Peace” Plan.[6]

Bader Nafleh, 19, was murdered by the repugnant Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF), just days after the disastrous Trump’s peace plan.[7]

The heinous and abusive Zionist movement was first introduced by Theordor Herzl[8] in the late 1800’s. It is not part of the Jewish faith, zionism is nationalism, colonization, and racist. Zionism is comprised of secular Jews. It’s an evil evil ideology. And this peace plan by the neo-nazi white nationalist, USA’s Donald J. Trump’s, and Israels’s Netanyahu is the same vein of ideology as Theodor Herzl. The zionist jews have lived up to the saying, the abused have become the abuser.

To see who profits from an independent research center dedicated to exposing

the role of the private sector in the Israeli occupation economy, visit. This proves that the evil Trump family uses its influence to dominate and help further the fascist rise globally. This is purely a conflict of interests and illegal.[9] Kushner (Trump’s son-in-law) under fire for receiving $30M from Israeli firms while shaping Middle East policy. Popular Resistance reported that Trump blows the cover off Israeli colonial apartheid and fuels struggle for one democratic state.[10]

In France, the neo-liberal president is taking away the pensions and other benefits from firefighters.[11] The public is joining in a countrywide strike protest. Unions, such as the Firemen’s union, even 100 years ago successfully pushed back on fascists. It was union organizing that helped turn the tide on fascism uprise. Yet in France the police union allows the police to beat and harm the protestors. No one wins in this battle if other UNIONS do not support fellow union strikers.[12] & [13]

Protests in the past year have swelled to include Chile[14], Hong Kong[15],

The overtly and in your face crime the United State orchestrated under the traitorous Donald J. Trump in Boliva is inexcusable. The overthrow of Bolivia’s Evo Morales takes US back to Latin America’s ‘Dirty Wars’.[16] This is how Venezuela citizens[17] talk to their illegal US planted president. And yet here in Amerika no significant protest against Trump…when will we get off our asses and respond?

Monthly Review is reporting how the US government through state-run media, is “fixing” the election process in America.[18] Just days after the ludicrous and traitorous #RussianRepublicans acquitted Trump in his Impeachment trial, this took place. A group of white-privileged neo-Nazis protested on the White House lawn.[19] The United States imperialism is killing innocent citizens in foreign wars.[20]

Business Insider warns, There need to be mass protests’: Authoritarianism experts say time is running out for Americans to stop Trump.[21] One can simply say that showing up to protest won’t change things. But two things prove this type of thinking wrong. First, over 100 years ago, many nations fought back on the rise of global fascism during the reign of Mussolini, Hitler, and others in the early 1900s. Second, it only takes 3% of citizens to protest successfully.

David Robson in his 2019 article for BBC explains, “Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts — and those engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.”[22]

So Rise UP, push back against the creeping calamitous global rise of fascism. Organize, get unionized, show up and protest. We can fix this!

