
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2018

An introduction to the future of home-sharing and rentals

The majority of assets worldwide are not being utilized anywhere near to their full potential. Privately owned vehicles are used 4% of the time and most office spaces only 20% of the day. Huge steps have been taken in the last decade regarding the sharing of assets.

Uber allows vehicle owners to provide transportation services and Airbnb created a system where property owners can earn money on short term rental deals. The asset sharing industries across the world are growing and OkeyDokey seeks to take advantage of this trend.

What is OkeyDokey?

OkeyDokey is a decentralized app that will provide a seamless way for property owners to rent using blockchain based digital transactions. The system is integrated with digital locks, which allows for a hands-off approach. The host never has to see the guest as the smart lock will disengage once the guest has paid for the property.

The benefits of this streamlined solution include saving on costs and user convenience. OkeyDokey has the potential to completely transform the way we rent property. The timeline of the app is to launch in Seoul and Singapore by Q4 of 2018 and in key cities around the world by Q1 of 2019. Beyond that OkeyDokey has the aim to expand further and to potentially provide coverage across most cities around the world.

Why would hosts use OkeyDokey?

The combination of saving time and cutting fees means OkeyDokey is a great solution for hosts — especially, if they run several properties at the same time. Once a smart lock is installed the Dapp will handle the greeting of guests so the host doesn’t have to.

Furthermore, a multiple channel distribution system will be utilized to acquire bookings. This increases the amount of profit that can be made for a given period of time — even at the time of the year when bookings might be traditionally slow.

Double bookings are also solved as the blockhain technology makes use of a shared ledger via the blockhain technology. Every member of the network will have an updated record regarding the availability of the property.

Why would guests use OkeyDokey?

Once a guest is verified they can get access to a rented property using the Dapp. The smart lock will disengage once the payment has been confirmed. Therefore, guests do not have to go through the hassle of meeting with the host to rent a property. This improves the anonymity of renting and can save time on the day of arrival.

For instance, guests can arrive in the middle of the night without waking up the host to let them in. Fees that are associated with check-in outside of working hours will be a thing of the past.

The OkeyDokey team

Transparency with a new ICO breeds trust and it’s no secret who is behind the initiative. The Engineers, all graduates of Carnegie Mellon University having studied in computer engineering or computer science, include Ryan Park, Seongmin Park, David Song and Vanessa Hwang. Jan Rothkegel is the marketing expert, Inmok Yoo in the marketing and sales department, and business development belongs to Chang-Yong Boo. The advisors for the OkeyDokey include Daniel Zhang and Sokho Jung.

The team is enthusiastic about bringing the new technology to market and setting a trend for how assets are utilized around the world. The streamlined approach of the Dapp will provide guests and hosts with more options to decrease costs while saving time.

ICO and token distribution

A total of 1 billion tokens have been created that will be distributed as follows: public sale 60%, company reserve 20% and team & advisors 20%. The tokens that are sold will be used to improve the development of OkeyDokey. The split of these tokens will be used in the following way: core development 45%, marketing 35%, operations 15% and administration 5%.

The dates for the token sale are yet to be confirmed.

Final thoughts

The best ICO’s are one that solve a real world problem and OkeyDokey certainly does that. The combination of a revolutionary door management system, flexible user access rights, booking and payment automation, and transparency means this ICO is one to keep an eye on. In the next few years it could prove to be one of the hottest coins out there.




A smart door lock system that connects digital payments to the opening of physical doors