5 types of problems that customers face (and the solutions that Okomo provides)

Okomo Blog
Published in
6 min readSep 19, 2019

It is no secret that costumers are the most valuable asset of any company or business. More important than the investment that is made to gain new clients should be the investment that is made to keep the existing ones through customer care and costumer support. These departments are crucial to the growth of your business, because they not only care for answering all the questions and concerns, but also, they are focused on building a relationship with your customer and keeping them from going to a competitor.

If you have the goal to deliver an experience so great that the customer will return and recomend you, then you are on the path to success.

Seph Hyken

Customers need to easily reach and contact care and support departments, but sometimes it is hard for companies to commit with solutions when there are so many possibilities or needs to be fulfilled. Additionally, budgets are not elastic to cover all the forms of communication that you can bring into you customer care or support department.

Depending on the problem that your customer is facing the way they want to reach out to your company may also differ. Therefore, it is important to offer the person who is trying to talk with someone from your team the tools to establish that kind of contact. Okomo is a low-cost 4-in-1 solution, simple to use and integrate in your digital platforms. Your customers will not need to go by a time consumer register process or formulary to make contact: they just need to choose the person they want to talk to, fill their name and email and it is all set.

Below we show you a list of possible problems or reasons for a customer to contact you customer care or support department and the solution that Okomo provides to allow that contact.

Basic and quick questions

Your customer browsed through your webpage and found a product that he/she is interested with. Still, the description doesn’t answer to a concern that is keeping him/ she to finish the purchase.

Okomo solution
Quick message through chat.

The customer doesn’t need much involvement and just needs a straightforward answer to make him/she more secure to finish the purchase. Through the list of experts on Okomo customers can find a person who is available and online to give them a quick response.


Your customers has already subscribed one of your services but there are some changes that he/ she needs to make. He wants to negotiate the contract.

Okomo solution
Call an expert who is available.

The green circle show that the expert is online

The customer needs to talk to someone to explain the changes he/she wants to make to the contract or wants to negotiate its value. Having someone on the other side to talk to him/ her and give advice in her/his case will make the customer feel more secure and safe, because there is a real person on the other side ready to take care of his/her concern.


The customer is unhappy with some issue on your product or service. They want a to present a complaint and want a solution from your side.

Okomo solution
Call/ Video call

Customers will be able to see who is on the other side and feel more reassured when talking directly with a friendly face

Customers complains are a very sensitive issue. So, it is important to deal with this kind of situations with diplomacy. The customer may call your company a little bit angry, it is up with the Expert from customer support or care to help him/ her calm down, listening to the customer’s problem and frustration. Even if the customer starts with a simple call, your team member can find the right opportunity to change to video call.

This way the customer will see that a real person is on the other side, focusing on what he/she is saying and not alternating calls or windows, deviating the attention from the problem. Video call will also allow to use body language to communicate with empathy, but in an assertive way.

Troubleshooting/ Technical problems

The customer is using the software you provide, but he/she has doubts with some of the features or has found a technical issue that he/ she doesn’t know how to resolve.

Okomo solution
Call/ Video Call and Screen Sharing

Share your screens in order to see what’s not working for your customers; without annoying downloads and installations

The problem may be a simple and easy answer to give or it can be something that needs to be shown instead of described. The customer can call your support team and briefly explain the problem and, with just a simple click, start sharing his/ her screen where the Expert that is dealing with the issue understands the challenge your customer is facing and guide him/ her to the solution.

Lack of time

Your customer has a concern regarding a product or service that you provide and needs to contact your customer care or support department. Your customer is a very busy person and doesn’t have time to contact your company right now and needs a quick way to make an appointment.

Okomo solution
Schedule a call with an Expert

Your clients can propose three appointment times for a call — without much back and forth.

Not only are your experts available to talk to your customers, but they become available when customers need. In these busy days it is difficult to deal with companies that keep your call on hold and make you waste time that you simply cannot misuse. By allowing the customer to plan ahead when he/ she can call your company and deal with his/ her issue will make your company stand out from competition, adding value to your customer’s experience.

Okomo works on your computer, tablet or phone.

Okomo is the bridge that will link companies and customers through digital platforms. Okomo allows your customers to contact you with a simple text message, to establish a call or video call and even, when needed, to share screens. It has also the advantage of allowing a better time management and planning ahead calls. Okomo brings back the human touch to customer care and support that has been putted aside in this growing technological era.

Chat bots may save your company time and resources, but in the end, when the customer is not able to find an answer or a solution it can be frustrating. Therefore, chatbots saved you time and human resources but they keep away the customer because there is a lack of human communication between them and your company.

We invite you to visit the website and find out more about the solutions that Okomo offers and the plan that better suits your company’s needs. You can also go for our truly free-trial and take a tour through Okomo’s benefit on your own website.



Okomo Blog

Okomo is the most seamless & personal way of interacting with online customers and prospects. Find out more: okomo.com/