Digital Trust — or how to be trusted by online customers

Okomo Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2019

We live in an age where almost everything can be bought and delivered to your address with minimum human interaction: clothes, groceries, prepared meals… You can close and open ban accounts, move money and make investments over the internet without the need to actually go to the bank counter. But how far does your digital trust go? Do you trust this humanless way of managing your life?

When we think of the appearance of the internet and how this technology changed the way people live their lives and do their daily tasks — payments, communication, work, etc. — it seems that this change on our society was not made so long ago. The truth is that in our fast-paced world the emergence of internet and the way people see it has already changed many times. Internet came to change our lives forever and the benefits are huge, but it also brought some other less positive things: cybercrime and privacy issues that afect people’s digital trust.

In a 2018 survey of Internet users in 25 countries made by CIGI-Ipsos, over 30% of the inquired reported that social media made their lives worse and 63% said that social media platforms “have too much power”, this over power influenced respondents to change their online behaviour and their trust in the digital world.

People are now more defensive with e-mail, websites, paying more attention to security and being more careful with their online behaviour, sharing less their personal information. 12% of the people that participated on the survey said that they were reducing their online shopping, which has a large impact on the digital economy as a whole, since digital economy depends on the trust of online customers.

So, what does it mean to your company if people begin to lose their digital trust?

The Global State of Online Digital Trust Survey and Index 2018 demonstrates that the majority of customers (86 percent) prefers to have security over convenience. The money they are willing to spend on a company is proportional to the trust they have on that organization. Therefore, the trust of your customers is crucial to the success and growth of your business.For your company to gain the loyalty and from its onlinecustomers it is important to understand that trust is a quest that you need to start pursuing now.

How can your company earn the customers’ digital trust?

Trust is built over interaction and empathy. Your organization shows that customers can trust on your business when you offer a trusted customer experience. This has to due not only with the way you deal with your customer’s data protection and privacy, but also with the ways you offer to interact with them. Trust is based on open communication, digitally or not. Therefore, if you offer on your digital platforms an open and direct way for your customers to communicate with the people behind the organization, your company is showing that there is nothing to hide and customers and prospects can know and talk with who is on the other side of the screen.

Okomo can help your company on this quest to build customer’s trust by making digital communication possible in a more direct and human way. 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person during an online purchase is one of the most important features a website can offer and 63% of consumers are more likely to return to a website that offers live chat. Okomo will enhance the way your customers perceive your company, because your organization will not be seen as an ethereal entity that exists on a website, but customers will interact and contact with humans, building a relationship of trust.

Data and Privacy

Regarding data protection and security issues, Okomo was designed always considering data protection.

All media traffic is encrypted, regardless of the endpoint you use (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone) or your chosen call option (video call, audio call, screen sharing). This means that you are safe with Okomo, even if you use it on a public hotspot. The complete data transfer is protected by means of the https protocol (TLS) and encrypted in a secure manner. If you click on the lock icon in the upper left corner of the URL bar in your browser, you will get further information about the encryption.


Keeping customers loyal to your business is not just a matter of trust, but building a relationship based on trust is easier than gaining a new customer. Consumers look at various issues, technical or otherwise, to determine whether they trust an organisation or not. Maintaining a straightforward communication with them, performed by real humans will bring back the human touch that seems to fade every day on this digital advent.

Find out more about the benefit that Okomo can bring to your business, and take a step forward to build the trust on your company’s digital environment.



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