How can Live Video add value to your business?

Okomo Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2019
Live Video Call on Okomo

You already know that we live in a fast-paced world when it comes to technology. If you look 30 years back, you would never imagine that a small rectangular item that you can fit in your hand would have such an impact on our daily tasks, from work to our personal life. Technology changed not only our daily routines, but our behaviour and ways of interacting with each other. And if you are aware of this, you cannot ignore it when planning strategies for your business.

Companies succeed when they keep up-front with customers trends and tendencies. Not many years ago the new way to communicate with customer’s was e-mail and text messages, they seem pretty standard now, right? But are you keeping up with the new emergent ways of communication?

Many companies use Live Video apps on their websites to be more open and approachable with their customer, in fact Live Video Chat for business has known an exponential growth in the last few years (more than 200%!) for customer service, HR, health industry and so on. Web apps that provide Live Video Chat like Okomo are helping companies solve problems, improve efficiency and save resources.

A study shows that 44% of online consumers believe that being assisted by a live person during an online purchase is one of the most important features a company can offer.[1]

This happens because people feel a more personal experience with video chatting than with other communication channels, they see your company has faces, smiles, your company is not some ethereal presence, your company is made by people.

At Okomo we call each professional reachable through our app ‘Experts’, because that is the true: you, each member of your team, have the expertise and the knowledge of your company’s products and services, and that is with whom customers want to speak, ask questions and feel reassured. And that is how Live Video Chat solutions can add value to your business: providing your customer the best experience with your company.

The key to improve your customer’s support system is to really be there for them, to hear their concerns, to feel their pain, that’s how you build something that marketing cannot force and money cannot buy: trust. They will trust your product and services and stay loyal to them, no matter what.




Okomo Blog

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