How to take full advantage from your free trial period with Okomo?

Okomo Blog
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2019

Okomo is a software for Real Time Communication that can be integrated in any website. To use it, either experts or users just have to access a browser: there is no need for additional software installation or to activate any plug-in. It is simple, easy and safe to use.

The advantage of having Okomo is that, no matter which industry your company is involved, or if your business is B2B or B2C focused, Okomo widget offers an open channel of communication to your customers and prospects. This way, they can reach out for inquiries, for help, choosing the right person to talk to. It is very quick to establish contact via Okomo, since there is no need to sign up for a user account. In a few steps your customer will be ready to reach you directly.

Okomo is therefore a great solution to improve your customer experience, making you and your team reachable and approachable in a digital way, but still maintaining the human interaction that is so important to gain customer’s fidelity and loyalty.

On Okomo’s website you will find that our company offers a 14-day trial period for your company to test and see first hand how the widget performs on your website. There is no need to fill up credit card information. This meaning no surprises at the end of the trial.

How to get started?

To start your free trial period with Okomo you just have to access the website. On the right upper corner, you will see a button that says “Try Okomo for Free”. Click there.

You will be redirected to a formulary. Just fill it with the correct information and create a user account.

After that you will receive a message with a link to confirm your email.

Just follow the link and the instructions that you will see on your screen. Quick and simple.

How does Okomo integrate on your company website?

Okomo does not need any software installation. As an Expert and Administrator, you will be able to choose some features that you want to appear on the Okomo widget that will be on your company’s website: colour, your company logo, language, list of topics to appear on the filters, etc. These options can be managed and changed by you when you want.

“The Okomo Admin Portal allows you to customize your widget with a variety of branding options. These include logo, colours, slogan, and phrases. Here is also where you select which consultants at your company (= experts) will be providing their knowledge and experience via the Okomo Widget. In addition, you can define whether and how website visitors can search for your experts, and what filter criteria they can use to find such experts. Soon it will also be possible to choose on which channels experts want to offer their advice and support. For example, you will be able to disable the video call function if desired.”

After you define all these characteristics that you want for your company, click on “Integration” on the left side, choose where you want to integrate Okomo and follow the instructions. Now you are ready to start using Okomo!

Still, we want to make sure that you take full advantage of this trail period and you and your team can profit from all that Okomo has to offer. We leave you with some advices to enhance your experience with Okomo and some tips for your company to use and learn in the course of this 14 days. Keep reading!

Inform your team

Keep your team update of this ‘new thing’ that you added to your website. In a quick briefing explain to them what is Okomo and how Okomo can help them manage all the communication with customers and prospects. On our blog you can find some articles that resume all the advantages that Okomo brings when it comes to communication with customers, but also how it can help your team manage time and resources better. With a quick reading it is really simple to understand how your company and business can benefit from having the Okomo widget integrated on the website or other online platforms.

Experiment all the possibilities

To understand how Okomo works and how simple it is to use, we suggest that you and your team of experts explore the communication possibilities: send a quick chat message to a colleague, do a call or video call, schedule a meeting. It is really simple do to so: just search for the person you want to contact through the Expert’s list, click on it and choose the way you want to establish contact. Once you understand the simple dynamic of Okomo, you can start encouraging you customers and prospects to contact you through Okomo. Next we explain how to do that.

Encouraging contact via Okomo

Okomo will appear on your website with a glowing halo around the button to open the widget. This means that website visitors will notice it and they can start a first contact via Okomo. One other thing that you can do to alert and inform your existing contacts or customers of this new way for them reaching out is to integrate the Okomo digital business card on your email signature.

Share the Okomo digital business card

The Okomo digital business card is a direct link to your Expert page, so people can contact you more quickly and directly. Just access the expert’s portal and click on the tool icon on the right superior corner. You will see one tab that says ‘My Digital Business Card’.

Click on it and them copy the link to your profile. You can integrate this link on your email footer or social media profiles. When someone clicks on it a pop-up will open and users will be able to contact you via chat, voice or video call, or schedule an appointment with you.

These are some simple ways for you to get your team and your company to better benefit from your trial period. During these 14-days it is important for you to have a full experience with Okomo and see how it will enhance your company’s customer experience. Browse our FAQ page to find some answers to other questions you may have.You can always contact an Okomo Expert if you have further questions. We will be so glad to welcome you to Okomo!



Okomo Blog

Okomo is the most seamless & personal way of interacting with online customers and prospects. Find out more: