Sales 7 deadly sins: and how they make you lose deals

Okomo Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2019

When it comes to sales there are some behaviours that can really make you lose deals. Sometimes you are not seeing it: your attitude is well intentioned or you just don’t realize how it can be perceived by your customers in a bad way.

Throughout this article we are going to approach these deadly sins, that have nothing to do with greed or pride. However, they can result in the punishment of losing a deal or worst: a customer.

Don’t paying attention

The customer journey begins with a need. If you are to busy to listen to their concerns, to understand their needs, you won’t be able to offer a proper solution that can fully fit their situation. Listen to them, absorb all the information and then present an offer that suits them. Otherwise, they will surely take their business elsewhere.

Being deceitful

Despite you may think, customers are pretty much aware of your true intentions: they can distinguish between a sincere welcoming smile and a fake one. Caring and genuinely showing concern for your customers will provide them a great customer experience. They will feel close to your company or brand, by knowing that their sales team is available and willing to help them throughout their journey. A happy customer is a returning customer.

“To give real service, you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is integrity and sincerity.”

Douglas Adams

So, show your true colours, give insightful info about the deal or the product. And remember: it is better to lose a deal that is not a fit for a prospect than left them unhappy, giving negative reviews about your company.

Wasting Time

Your pitch can be great, but to much talk can make you lose deals. Your customer or prospect is probably a busy person, and even if he/she is not, you will lose their attention if you flood them with too much information. Build a strong presentation, focused on the important and insightful information. Leave place for questions and answer them assertively. As the old saying tells you: “Time is money”. So, don’t waste it.

Working hard instead of smart

You may already have heard this expression but have you really thought about its meaning? Working smart is easy when you have the right tools. Choose tools that fit your needs and use them to helps you manage your time and become more productive. Find the tools that help you accelerate the sales process. Instead of going back and forward with your prospects via email, for example, choose a Live Chat tools like Okomo. Customers and prospects can reach you directly and maybe solve in 5 minutes an issue that could take the double or triple of time writing and explaining in several email messages.

Not following up

Not following up with a lead is the deadliest sin in this entire list. This not only makes you lose deals, but the worst part is that you are doing it on purpose. Studies show that a majority of sales are only closed after a fifth contact. So, keep reaching to your prospects and follow the leads. However, don’t be pushy. This might not be a deadly sin, but is a big ‘sales don’t’. Be persistent, but always offer added value when you contact a potential customer.

Not Having A Clear Offer

After your perfect pitch or presentation if you fail to give your audience a clear offer can make you lose the deal. You are very much ware of what you are selling, but your prospects are not.

Tailor your presentation so that in the end you have a place to present your offer. Be clear about it and don’t complicate to much. Provide your prospects with



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