The importance of Personalized Customer Service

Okomo Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2019

Great customer service is essential to provide a great customer experience. When your company offers personalized customer service it makes your customers feel special, because you and your team care enough to learn about them and, therefore offer them a better tailored service.

Through this article we will help you with some tips on how your company can provide personalized customer service, build a relationship with its customers and make them so happy with the experience that they will never want to leave.

Know you customers, learn their names

Calling your customers by their name is a simple way of personalizing you customer service. When people hear their own name, their attention is immediately drawn to the familiar sound and they feel an immediate sensation of proximity.

(…) the average person is more interested in his or her own name than
in all the other names on earth put together. Remember that name and call it easily, and you have paid a subtle and very effective compliment.

Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Calling someone by their name makes a business relationship more human. It takes away the corporative emphasis of the trade. From that point on you and your customer are just two people making an exchange, resulting in a more personalized customer service and, therefore, a pleasant experience that they will remember.

Ask customers for insightful feedback

Customer’s feedback is a great source where you can find insightful information about your company’s and team performances. You can learn from good experiences, as well as from positive ones. The importance of feedback to a personalized customer service is that you will give a very important role to your customers in the way you shape your business.

97% of costumers are more probable to become loyal to a company that finds solutions based on their feedback.


If customers feel that your company listens to their suggestions and after they give you their feedback, your team finds solutions to keep up with customers’ needs, they will be more likely to become loyal to your company.

Show your human side

No matter the ways your customers might reach to your company, your team should treat them like people, like human beings, instead just some numbers or data you see on your computer. Showing your customers that your company has faces and humans working on the other side of the screen is a great way of humanizing your business or brand.

Live chat can play a great role in keeping relations and communication more human. Okomo is a great solution to interact with customers, since they will be reaching to you team and talk to them directly. It opens a window of communication between your customers and you, where they can choose the Expert who is better to deal with their issue: IT, Sales, Customer Support… Okomo helps your company build a better customer experience by creating a closer and more personalized customer service.

Build a trustful relationship

Nowadays customers are more sensitive and aware of the ways companies use their data and personal information. If your company uses analytics to monitor customers in order to personalize customer service, you have to be transparent about it. Customers will trust a company that is straightforward about its practices.

A trusted customer experience is also something that customers perceive when companies offer them the possibility to interact directly with you and your team. A company that hides behind a website with no information and poor choices of contacting the corporation might seem suspicious to some people. Open communication is the key to gain customers trust.

Visit Okomo website to learn how this widget that can be integrated in any website and digital platforms can help yo enhance customer experience and offer a better and personalized customer service. Talk to our Experts to clear out your doubts and go for a totally free and uncomplicated trial period.



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