The key to improve your company’s customer support

Okomo Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2019

When you are out on a store looking to buy some product, to know more about a service and you need help or some information what do you do? You browse the store in search of a sales assistant or go to the counter where someone can assist you, right? But what if you cannot find someone available or you found someone who cannot provide an answer to your concerns, would you buy the product anyway? Most certainly not. And not only did that company lost a sale but, surely, they lost a costumer too because you had a bad experience and, therefore, you have a bad impression of their customer service. This is the exactly the same thing that happens on your company’s website.

You have a great landing page, great design, you invest frequently in digital marketing strategies that are bringing visits to your website but, still, you are not happy with conversion. The reason why this is happening is because when customers feel unassured about a service or product and have questions about it, there is no one there to help them. They browse the website in search for an answer in FAQ, sometimes get stuck with a chatbot unable to help and when your customer service finally answers the message left in the contact form, their will to purchase has gone or they already found a solution with one of your company’s competitors. Every minute that passes you are losing opportunities to close deals, and it is here that Okomo will help you.

Okomo live chat app on screen
Okomo can be used in any device

Okomo is an application that provides a sales and customer communication service focused in a direct and personal interaction. With Okomo your potential customers can easily find an answer to their concerns by contacting directly the right person to help them, either through a chat session, call or video call, with no need to register. Also, Okomo can easily be integrated not only into your website but also into all your company’s online channels. Okomo offers still the possibility of screen sharing, scheduling meetings, filter contacts so each person can find the better solution to their case. Just like that: simple and straightforward.

You will also have access to metrics and analytics that show your customer’s engagement and satisfaction and your team performance, with some features that are shortly to be added. Having Okomo on website will help your company convert leads into customers and increase your marketing effectiveness by adding one of the most successful features when it comes to sales: Human interaction.

A survey in the USA showed that 44% of online consumers consider that a customer care service with human interaction is something that they feel of great importance when visiting a website[1]. With Okomo you will distance your business from the competition by keeping your prospects and customers happy because they will feel that your company cares about them and their needs. A happy customer is a returning customer, and is also someone that will advertise your business with one of the most powerful marketing tools that cannot be bought: the word to mouth.

If you want to know more visit the Okomo website, where you can see the app in action. Feel free to contact one of the members of the team who will surely help you and answer all of your questions and explore the features of the app. You can also have a free-trial of Okomo for 14 days, with no need to give your credit card, so no strings attached, and see its performance on your website. Take the leap and see how Okomo can bring your business forward.




Okomo Blog

Okomo is the most seamless & personal way of interacting with online customers and prospects. Find out more: