Tips to improve time management at work

Okomo Blog
Published in
5 min readOct 3, 2019

Days fly by and you are always busy, jumping from one task to another. Time management at work is crucial to keep your work flowing, without feeling stressed or overwhelmed by the many things you have to accomplish.

If you are feeling overloaded in your work days there are some strategies you can follow to avoid this feeling. Keep reading to find out how you can improve your time management at work and how Okomo can help you in this matter.

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Stay away from distractions

Either if you work alone or in a team, it is easy to get distracted from your work by outside stimuli: a colleague who wants to chat, a phone call, an email… If you must concentrate on your task set your status to busy on your platforms, close your email window to not be distracted by incoming messages. If a colleague starts chatting with you directly just smile and say “We’ll talk later. I am really busy right now”, and focus on finishing what you started.

Do not procrastinate

Procrastination is when you face yourself delaying or postponing a task. You know what you have to do, but you just keep pushing and avoiding the tasks. You may think you have the time, or the deadline seems far away from the present moment, but the truth is that if you keep pushing and delaying your actions you can find your future swamped by the lack of action of your present self.

Make a plan

You have an upcoming task. Even if you have one or two weeks to accomplish it, plan all your steps. Break the task in some small tasks that you have to perform to achieve the end. When you have a list of the things you need to do to you need to define which ones are more important and urgent and which ones you can do a little later. Therefore, make a plan, define your steps and prioritize. That’s a way to time management at work.

Define priorities

When you prioritize and write down your steps to accomplish a task on a list it makes your brain structure the things you need to do. Therefore, you will make your mind free and have a more visual structure of what needs to be done. To help you define priorities you can use the Eisenhower Matrix. The Eisenhower Matrix helps you organize your steps and task in four quadrants, each one representing an urgency and importance level.

By defining which tasks are more urgent and important you will be making a strategy and manage better your time at work. After filling up the Eisenhower Matrix, look at it and start focusing on the urgent and important steps.


Delate tasks is a way of improve time management in the workplace. By giving assignments to your team members and colleagues you are enhancing the effectiveness of the final goal. Choose the right persons to do the assignment by the time they have to dedicate themselves to it and by the skills that are needed to accomplish the task. Once you delegate the task, give the person who is in charge of it the time and space to execute it. Don’t fall into micromanagement.

Manage Stress

If you find yourself stressing by the approach of the deadline or because you feel overwhelmed with the workload, take a time to breathe. Make small pauses every couple of hours to stretch, get some fresh air and get yourself together. Don’t let work take the best of you and give yourself some personal time. Remember, in order to achieve your best performance at work you should keep a healthy balance between your professional and personal life. A mindset will help you think clearer and perform better.

Okomo helps you manage your time

Okom is a widget that allows live chat through your company’s website and digital platforms. It helps you to have a better management of your time by offering a simple 4-in-one solution to manage your communications and interactions with customers and prospects.

You don’t have to switch between software

Okomo allows you to receive chat messages, calls, video calls and share screen. All of this in the same platform. Therefore, there is no need to jump between software, accounts and apps. Okomo can be used in all devices. No matter where you are.

You will avoid misguided contacts

Since contacts will see your profile before calling you or setting up a meeting, they will know exactly in what matters you can help them. Thus, you will not receive calls or messages that are intended for another colleague or department.

Okomo simplifies scheduling

If your status is set of as unavailable, contacts may only send you a chat message or schedule a call. Contacts may choose three different time slots, so you can choose the one that better works for you. This way, the back and forward email exchange with rescheduling and questioning about the best time for each other will be avoided.

Okomo knows when you are busy

On your profile you can write when you are normally available to be contacted. If you close your browser or you are inactive for a determined period of time, your status will be shown as offline, so contacts may not call you directly, but they can text you or schedule a call. Okomo is also developing ways to sync with your calendar. So, if you have a meeting or you are Out of Office, your status will be set as unavailable for that time period.

Okomo will help you to better manage your time at work by simplifying the way people contact and interact with you. To learn out more about Okomo visit the website. You can also find out more in the FAQ page or call an expert, propose three times that you are available. Our expert will select one and talk to you then, simple right?



Okomo Blog

Okomo is the most seamless & personal way of interacting with online customers and prospects. Find out more: