Why is Web-RTC market growing so fast?

Okomo Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2019
women smiling laptop

According to “Web Real-Time Communication Market 2016–2023” report, published by Credence Research Inc., it is presumed that the Web-RTC market will grow over 19 billion dollars in 2023, with an annual growth rate prediction of 40% or more for the next five years.

Industries like banking, financial services, insurance or public sectors are adhering to this new communication trend, adopting solutions and services enabled for Web-RTC to be integrated on their websites and online platforms.

But for some people these new technologic trends still leave doubts and questions to be answered. Afterall, what is Web-RTC?

Web-RTC stands for Web Real Time Communication. According to the WebRTC.org, it is “an open project that provides browsers and mobile applications with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple APIs.” So, companies like Okomo build their code on top of this open project to develop a widget — an interaction digital component that you can add to a website, cell phone, computer, etc. — that can be integrated into any website or digital platforms and provide an online communication channel.

Why is it becoming so popular?

Web-RTC provides an effective real time channel of communication with low costs of implementation. For this reason, companies are integrating this service on their websites and digital platforms like email, giving a positive grow to this new technologic trend. Companies rely on the internet to be reached by costumers, reducing costs of software and hardware. As explained by Acumen Research and Consulting “WebRTC can adjust to different system conditions and is interoperable with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Unified Communications (UC) arrangements which are required to help organizations to effortlessly coordinate it with their current framework. WebRTC gives a splendid answer to client confronting organizations. As this correspondence is constant, WebRTC gives broad media arrangements with no expense”

Benefits for business?

Since it is a browser-based technology the costs of using Web-RTC are really low. Web-RTC services like the one that Okomo offers, will open a new and direct channel of communication with your customers and prospects. They will be able to reach out to your support team and in an easy and uncomplicated way, getting fast answers and help. This will be an upgrade to your company’s customer support and experience leading to better customer satisfaction. Having Okomo added to your website, for example, will give your company a chance to show its human factor, your contacts will be able to see who is on the other side and feel more reassured when talking directly with a friendly face. Through Web-RTC service like the one provided by Okomo, customer assistance will be enhanced through several tools like chat, call, screen sharing… Besides, it will help your team manage their daily task better, since customers can schedule different options for being contacted, leaving to your team the ability to administer their work load, meetings and contacts, saving them time and your company money and resources.

If you still have doubts or questions, visit the Okomo website, browse through it and experience the Web-RTC widget developed by Okomo in loco. You can test it directly on your website or go for a free trial without needing to enter your credit card data — we just want you to see how it works for you and your company. The team of Experts at Okomo will gladly answer all your answers and concerns, advise you and help you through the process. See with your own eyes how your company’s customer support and experience can be improved and how it can benefit from Web-RTC.



Okomo Blog

Okomo is the most seamless & personal way of interacting with online customers and prospects. Find out more: okomo.com/