April Soup 🍲

Fara Ashiru Jituboh
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2020

🥳Here’s what’s been cooking in the Okra Kitchen… Since our last update we’ve:

  • gone fully remote 👩🏾‍💻👨🏾‍💻- COVID19 🦠
  • launched a new way to create links and widgets! 🎨
  • enabled credit & lending businesses to connect a guarantor’s accounts 🕺🏽
  • had new banks and account types integrated into the Okra Widget 🏦
  • reviewed our plans and billing system to become more cost efficient 💸
  • exposed a few helpful API services 🖼
  • automated our SLA process 📜

Yummy right 🤤? Here’s the full scoop…

New Banks 🏦

We have 2 new banks available on our widget

Unity Bank (Individual) & Sterling Bank (Corporate)

Check out all of our banks here

Identity verification 🔍

You can now verify BVN numbers for individual users as well as RC numbers and TIN numbers for corporate accounts.

Check out more on this here.

Total Debit/credit 💰

You can now see an aggregate value of the total incoming and outgoing on a connected account or fetch it programmatically. Please check out the documentation here

Fetch by identity

You can now fetch your transaction records by any unique ID associated with a customer e.g BVN, id..

Click here for more.

Picture Identity 👤

We’re now passing back photo identity with our Identity product. Now you can see a copy of the photo identity your customer used to register with their bank e.g. passport data page, photo, driver’s license etc. Please click here for more.

DTI (debt-to-income)

Much similar to the Total Debit/Credit calculator, the Debt To Income (DTI) calculator shows the percentage of credits versus debits on a connected account.

Here’s more on this feature.

User didn’t click their account? No problem! — Retry records

You can now retry any record manually — a failed product or the whole thing, either from the dash or programmatically via our API without initiating the entire process via the widget.

All New Link Builder 🥳

The new link builder allows users create bespoke links and the ability to output the source code in any one of our integration types check it out here.

Yummier Dash 🤩

As always in making our soup better, we make certain that the spices are always right. We have some other cool features on the dash, such as;

Profile Pictures

You can now add display pictures to your profile making it easier and faster to identify your team mates — 😊!

Grouping Records

Records on your dash are now grouped more concisely by customer and bank for a clearer look.

More (Relevant) Details

Just so you don’t get confused when navigating our dashboard we’ve added more relevant information across our pages so you always know what customer you’re looking at.


The new search function allows you search through each product record for particular events using a name as the keyword.

Slack Integration 💬

Get notified directly from your teams Slack workspace

As you may have observed from the dashboard, we now support ‘Add to Slack’ for notifications on all things Okra e.g. when a customer connects to your widget. You can choose what you get notified about in your settings.

More integrations coming soon! 😉

Full-Screen Dash

Our dash has been upgraded to a full screen for more positive user experience and comfort. Wallet Threshold. You can now easily set a wallet threshold and get notified if your wallet ever falls below this amount via email and Slack!

Plans & Billing

In a bid to develop a more cost-efficient use of our platform, we’ve lowered some pricing and revised our billing manager to be inclusive and reflective of all our products and their add-ons — but don’t sweat, there are no hidden charges.

You can see a full breakdown here

Our widget got a face-lift!😈

To make our link builder even sweeter we’ve added the ability to customize almost everything on the widget. We’ve also added some cool new capabilities like:

Add 1 — 2 — or even 3 Guarantors!

We now support the connection of up to 3 Guarantors bank accounts. Once your customer designates their guarantors we then send a link for them to compete the process by connecting to your widget as well. You then get access to authentication, identity, balance for the user as well.

and that’s the soup 🍲everyone



Fara Ashiru Jituboh
Editor for

Solving an infrastructure problem, one commit message at a time