Clothed in Consciousness: Dressing the Soul

Navigating the Spiritual Tapestry of Fashion and Personal Expression




I have taken on this challenge to write about fashion.

I am being lazy about it and somewhat having second thoughts about this whole project.

Fashion is an image-heavy industry. And I have only delved into this endeavour to expand my sphere of knowledge and topics.

By doing so, I hope to understand the edges of the writing craft which I might miss while writing in the trance for my spiritual blog.

And who knows, I might stumble upon something new, exciting and unique about my writing and clothing “Style”.

For me, all roads lead to spirituality. And spirituality has its roots in life.

What we talk about and what we wear is part of our life.

A question still lingered in my mind though, how important it is to dress appropriately.

Many will roll their eyes and say oof! it is a silly question.

It is important!

But is it important because a fashion magazine makes it seem more important, or the people you spend time with expect a certain kind of image from you?

I want to go into the barebones of this question.

If a bank official greets you hello and starts talking about Zen, you are less likely to take him seriously.

Even if his enlightened and is a Zen master secretly.

He might be in formal attire and we would suddenly expect some corporate jargon and schemes and offers from him.

Anything else would be least expected.

You might listen to the Zen discourse if you have the ear and zest to appreciate the beauty in unexpected places.

But rudimentarily you won’t.

Hence it is safe to say you will have to dress for the occasion.

But then comes a bigger pitfall.

A Tsunami of pieces of advice comes from subreddits, magazines and blogs (Like this one LOL).

And that is the dictation of what you should wear and what not for any given occasion.

What you like, what you want and what is said creates, contradictions, confusion and resistance in the mind.

But there is an easy answer to that.

Many people have proven that it is up to you how you want to hold the occasion in your mind and what the occasion means to you.

It might also come from cultures. In India people wear white for funerals and in the West it is black.

Consider all the factors:

Do you want to represent your culture or not?

Do you love your tradition or are more inclined towards modern looks?

Are you a huge wardrobe person or a Minimalist?

After taking into account these factors, slowly move your attention inward.

What do you want to be an extension of your belief, understanding of the world and true nature?

Let your inner nature reflect the clothes you choose.

Lady Gaga started with curated clothes she designed for herself, which became the foundation of her identity as a pop star.

Timothée Chalamet might have played a variety of roles in films, but his red-carpet appearance never ceases to surprise. Moreover, they give a peep into the nature and temperament of the actor.

Iris Apfel has discovered her style of accessories which makes her Iris Apfel

It is up to you.

It is a personal expression of who you are, what you understand about yourself and what you want to project into the world.

On the end note, I strongly believe that spiritual people need a good fashion advisor.

“Gurus” especially in India look like they have walked out of a fancy dress competition :D

I display a lack of self-introspection and lazily pick up traditional pieces to mix them up together.

In India, I think Osho is the best-dressed Mystic so far.

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Creativity is the celebration of Spirituality | Be yourself, and everything else will fall into place.